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Netflix loading is hit and miss

(3 posts)
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    Posts: 133


    For two days this week the Netflix (NF) app failed to load showing only a black screen with no user interface. This happened several times then OK at other times.
    Day 1 - After failing to load I exited On-demand and tried again with same result. I switched off the Humax using the remote and then back on again with same result. I switched Off at wall socket, waied a minute then back On again and still the same result. Tried it again later and it was OK?

    Day2 - NF failed to load again so I switched Humax off using remote and watched NF via the TV rather than the Humax and it loaded quickly. After watching NF via TV I switched Humax back on again and this time NF loaded very quickly. Very odd!

    On both days other On-demand apps (iPlayer, ITV Hub) loaded OK.

    Has anyone else had problems with NF loading?

    | Wed 2 Dec 2020 16:48:13 #1 |
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    Posts: 133


    It happened again and this time a pop-up (picture) appeared. I exited NF and then tried again after only 30 seconds. This time NF loaded fairly quickly.

    Humax is connected via a very good signal strength 5GHz Wi-Fi so this might explain a very short connection issue but not the issues from the previous nights because NF was OK when viewing it through the TV which uses the same 5GHz Wi-Fi.

    Is it a known Humax 'Linking' issue?


    1. Incorrect_Link.JPG (85.9 KB, 0 downloads) 4 years old
    | Thu 3 Dec 2020 8:22:59 #2 |
  3. gsmitheidw


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    Posts: 2


    Just to add I've seen the same issue with ours. We have a Chromecast too so just streamed to TV with that instead, but that rules out a broadband issue or issue with Netflix itself.

    Connectivity on the Humax seems normal otherwise. Only notable thing is an update notice on the phone Android client, possibly something that hasn't been fully implemented on the Humax client? But that's pure guesswork

    | Sat 19 Dec 2020 15:50:54 #3 |

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