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Network is Changed ?

(13 posts)
  1. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Joined: Apr '16
    Posts: 22


    Hi all

    Getting this error each time I change channels been doing it from today.

    Updated to the trial software tonight but my partner says it was doing it before that.

    *Turned router off and back on, also Humax box several times.
    *Tried Wi-Fi and wired.
    *The time in the guide is correct.



    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 20:33:06 #1 |
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    Cant seem to upload photo so linked it to my webspace.

    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 20:34:22 #2 |
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    That looks more like a reference to the transmitter network. It looks like the underlying event details have got corrupted. A retune may fix it but you will loose your schedule and have to reenter all your up and coming scheduling.

    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 20:58:02 #3 |
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    It's telling you it needs to do a automatic channel scan, possibly to get rid of BBC 3 in the guide ...... Beware IT WILL wipe your schedule list

    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 20:58:13 #4 |
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    Ah so it was knew about losing my schedule hence didint try it before but took photos of it so just re-added it all.

    They so need to fix that.

    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 22:30:03 #5 |
  6. Chris...K


    Joined: Mar '16
    Posts: 12


    I also retuned and lost my schedule but I did discover that you can use old recordings to reset series links
    Shame it doesn't have a bin

    | Wed 6 Apr 2016 7:14:36 #6 |
  7. Davygogs


    Joined: Dec '15
    Posts: 40


    Retuned mine last night after getting fed up with the message box popping up everytime i changed channels.

    Hadnt thought about losing the recording schedule so thanks for the reminder! Spose i better do a manual retune to the local transmitter again then reset my recordings!!!

    Onwards & upwards!

    By the way on a couple of occasions i`ve gone to watch a recording & they have all vanished apart from anything recorded that day. They do re-appear the next day & i assume a reboot would bring tham back but just interested to know..

    1, Anyone else had this?
    2, Where do they go?
    3, Any way to get them back besides waiting or rebooting?

    | Wed 6 Apr 2016 9:45:57 #7 |
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    Yes I have had the missing recordings a couple of times. It made me panic a bit the first time. I tried waiting too but only a full reboot after full power off worked for me.
    On the issue of saving scheduled recordings after an auto scan could be a major problem or opportunity as things can get complicated. Some channels can move, new channels start and some go as BBC 3. When all that happens in one auto scan it is difficult to find a reliable solution from a software/firmware point of view.
    I remember this problem form some time back. When some manufactures tried to solve it. It caused some major problems that were difficult to fix from support teams. It involved lots of manual tuning. The solution lies more with the way things are broadcast and the information contained in the data streams that are sent to the PVR.

    | Thu 7 Apr 2016 19:15:42 #8 |
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    My Panasonic recorder can retune without losing scheduled recordings.

    | Wed 13 Apr 2016 20:56:18 #9 |
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    Elmojo - 6 days ago  » 
    I remember this problem form some time back. When some manufactures tried to solve it. It caused some major problems that were difficult to fix from support teams. It involved lots of manual tuning. The solution lies more with the way things are broadcast and the information contained in the data streams that are sent to the PVR.

    I've had a Youview recover its schedule, an HDR-FOX T2 running custom software recover its schedule and a Vestel recover its schedule.
    The Vestel was a fairly simple schedule, the HDR-FOX T2 was the most complex and had channels moving.

    From now on any manufacturer who wants to bring out a new model and use freeview logos, including 'freeview play' the model will have to pass testing against d-book 8 which mandates retention of the schedule. As freeview obviously don't want to kill 'freeview play' off this indicates that they think it is feasible and reasonable to mandate recovery.
    Obviously that blog is a slight exaggeration as it would be difficult to recover a schedule entry if the channel itself is deleted with no alternate broadcast of the programme on another non-deleted channel.

    | Wed 13 Apr 2016 23:08:57 #10 |

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