My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Network is Changed ?

(13 posts)
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    junior member
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    Thanks Luke

    I hope that Humax release a firmware update soon that supports 'Smart retunes'.
    There is no doubt at all that its feasible since other devices support it and D-Book mandates it.

    | Thu 14 Apr 2016 7:54:17 #11 |
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    Just to clarify.
    The d-book mandates it for future models. It does not mandate it for models which have already been tested and passed under the old d-book. This means that Humax can continue to manufacture the FVP-4000T and label it as 'freeview play' whether or not Humax voluntary update the FVP-4000T software to cater for smart retunes.

    | Thu 14 Apr 2016 9:21:42 #12 |
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    junior member
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    Thats a bit annoying.
    I hope they do update.

    | Thu 14 Apr 2016 9:33:32 #13 |

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