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New Aura Tuning Question

(2 posts)
  1. Geoff_W


    special member
    Joined: Jul '16
    Posts: 179


    Just ordered an Aura following the demise of my 13 y.o. Foxsat HDR (Yes, I know the Aura is Freeview).

    On page 10 of my downloaded Product Manual it states, "Note that you cannot skip or stop the channel search process at the initial installation."

    My location means that an Auto Tune will initially pick up weak muxes and assign the stations to the normal channel numbers. The stronger muxes then get assigned to channel numbers in the 800's. Because of this, I always use Manual Tuning but the initial setup on the Aura will not let me do this.

    How do I overcome this issue? Could I start the initial setup with the aerial unplugged? Does a subsequent manual tune overwright the auto tune or will I have to delete all the channels first?

    | Mon 8 Nov 2021 13:05:53 #1 |
  2. Geoff_W


    special member
    Joined: Jul '16
    Posts: 179


    I needn't have worried. The Aura automatically tuned in all the correct muxes from my local relay (Nottingham Tx).

    | Tue 9 Nov 2021 18:11:10 #2 |

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