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New FVP 4000T software version 1.01.57

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    The latest update has not improved the empty schedule problem - if anything it is worse.

    | Wed 18 Jan 2017 14:55:52 #21 |
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    I'm gobsmacked that series recordings still default to play the latest episode rather than the oldest.

    The current default is madness and would require only a small change in the code to amend.


    | Thu 19 Jan 2017 10:31:36 #22 |
  3. barryiow


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    I'm gobsmacked that series recordings still default to play the latest episode rather than the oldest.

    The current default is madness and would require only a small change in the code to amend.

    I quite agree Richard, I made several mistakes until i spotted what was happening!

    | Fri 20 Jan 2017 9:07:20 #23 |
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    The response is slow, but only requires ONE key press, and a little patience !!

    Why should the system be so slow? These are not cheap machines. Have they not put the right hardware in the systems? Is this slow issue gonna be sorted out soon?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    | Sat 21 Jan 2017 14:41:09 #24 |
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    Chirper - 2 hours ago
    Why should the system be so slow? These are not cheap machines. Have they not put the right hardware in the systems?

    It has very little to do with hardware. The software on a Foxsat Hdr around 10MB, around 18MB for a HdrFoxT2, 60 - 70MB for current boxes.

    I may be completely wrong, but I imagine humax have a framework type software package which just gets customised for different regions and models, i.e. 2/3/4 tuners, wifi, bluetooth, cable, terrestrial etc. etc.
    The software becomes bloated and is configured on emulators that run fast and don't take proper account of the real world like the time it takes a disk to spin up and be ready after coming out of standby so no recordings to show then as the disk isn't ready yet.

    From Humax's point of view they can create a software package quickly that looks uniform across platforms/regions. A bit like windows did with win8 and metro tiles for all windows pc's, phones, tablets etc. and humax only need one core software package. The downside is one size doesn't really fit all in trying to accomodate multiple regions and models so it becomes bloated and slow. It's also very difficult to make changes to the core package without it having a knock on effect unforeseen somewhere else.

    One of the last software changes for the HdrFoxT2 made the EPG incredibly slow when scrolling, fine when jumping by page. There was no valid reason or need for this change and it never got fixed/rolled-back. I can only assume because it was part of a necessary update for another market.

    The image that I'd like to have of a programmer writing bespoke code, constantly going through our code for this country, tweaking it, refining it so that it's more efficient, stylish, functional etc. simply isn't reality. The reality, I'm convinced, is that it's bolted together and they do their best to keep it stable. This would explain some anomalies such as no 'info' button and big square icons looking better with apps on phones/tablets.
    My tablet updated itself today and the new updated app for humax now works on my tablet for SD only, it's better integrated and highlights the complexity of creating uniform software to work across different platforms.

    I can't see the software becoming significantly faster unless Humax put a dedicated team on it to optimise and refine it and I'd imagine their attention is as always on newer products.
    It's frustating because we all know Humax can and have done so much better in the past.

    I'd love to be corrected on any of the points I've made

    | Sat 21 Jan 2017 17:02:31 #25 |
  6. IanCinUK


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    I had to return this item back in October'16 after a few weeks of continuous problems which are too many to recall but after two visits from Hughes' services it was agreed that the unit was 'not fit for purpose' so got a full refund and continue to use my old HDR-FOX T2.

    My question simply, is the latest version trouble free?

    An honest reply would be appreciated.

    | Mon 20 Mar 2017 12:19:52 #26 |
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    IanCinUK - 8 hours ago  » 
    I had to return this item back in October'16 after a few weeks of continuous problems which are too many to recall but after two visits from Hughes' services it was agreed that the unit was 'not fit for purpose' so got a full refund and continue to use my old HDR-FOX T2.
    My question simply, is the latest version trouble free?
    An honest reply would be appreciated.

    Never really had a problem other than the schedule one and apart from a few UI things i would like changed they are only small things the box works fine the ondemand content all work great.

    For me what lets the box down is the UI it really needs a good look at, things like:

      *Select/highlight oldest recording first not newest one.
      *The whole guide is a bit chunky.
      *A mini TV picture in the guide.
      *Option to show recordings as a list instead of big thumbnails.
      *UI is a tad slow at times.
      *A way to hide/delete apps i dont use/want.

    Just some.

    The box has always done its recordings never had any of those issues.

    | Mon 20 Mar 2017 20:31:10 #27 |
  8. Barry


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    The empty schedule problem should be addressed in the next update. Some members who experienced issue have tested beta software and the results are positive.

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 17:35:29 #28 |

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