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New HDR-1010s - remote control poor range?

(13 posts)
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    Hi all, new to the forum!

    Just got rid of sky after 5 years and got the Humax HDR 1010s. Set it up yesterday and like the menus etc...

    One thing that does seem not quite right is the distance the remote control will work? It is fine around 1.5/2metres away but on my sofa which is about 3, does not work AT ALL? I have to lean really far forward with arm pointing directly at the box for it to work, it also has to be dead straight on, cannot be even a slightest angle at this distance?

    Has anyone else experienced this? Could it be a faulty box or remote?

    Any comments and feedback would be great, thanks.

    | Sun 11 Jan 2015 10:57:55 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Mine works OK from 6 metres, which is as far away as I can get. If you have a smart phone or tablet you can use the remote scheduling app as a WiFi remote (no need to pair to use as just a remote control).

    | Sun 11 Jan 2015 12:03:15 #2 |
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    make sure there's no clear protective film over the display, if so then remove it.

    Check there's no direct light shining at the hdr-1010s or anything flashing close by. It's worthwhile to test in a darkened room with all light sources switched off. Modern energy saving bulbs and things like fairy lights can cause problems.

    Finally, the batteries. Make sure they're alkaline and any brand will do, the heavily advertised/marketed brands aren't any better just more expensive as a result. Try a fresh/new set of alkaline batteries

    If none of the above helps then I'd suggest contacting Humax as the remote and/or box could be faulty. My money's on the protective film or batteries, needless to say you should be able to operate the box from the sofa at a normal viewing position and distance.

    | Sun 11 Jan 2015 13:06:18 #3 |
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    Thank you for your responses. I will try the actions you have mentioned. There is definitely no film on the display as it is purely the plastic screen, no film layer......this was a Grade A return model directly from Humax website? Maybe this could explain there is an issue with it?

    Also checked batteries and they are zinc choliride - they are beand new but not alkaline like you said. But use them in all my other remotes with absolutely no issue so I am sure there must be something wrong with either box or remote......

    | Sun 11 Jan 2015 15:42:45 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    You wouldn't per chance have a wireless modem/router in the vicinity of the unit? - if so try moving it away.

    | Sun 11 Jan 2015 15:56:24 #5 |
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    Thanks Barry!

    I have a router in the cupboard under the stairs which is the same room but has a door on - not much I can do to move this as is at the fibre optic point that enters the house.

    How would this interfere with an infer red remote? All my other remotes work fine from same position? Surround sound box, Apple tv, tv remote and when my sky box was there?

    | Sun 11 Jan 2015 16:04:39 #6 |
  7. Barry


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    I once had a problem with remote response to sky+, TV, Humax kit as well as Panasonic.....turned out to be the wireless router I was using in the same room. I moved the router a few inches and hey presto all kit now responding.

    | Sun 11 Jan 2015 16:15:54 #7 |
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    Thanks, I will try switching the router off and see if that makes a difference!

    | Sun 11 Jan 2015 16:54:44 #8 |
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    Merchandiser236 - 1 hour ago  » 

    Also checked batteries and they are zinc choliride - they are beand new but not alkaline

    zinc chloride are only a bit better than zinc carbon, i.e. useless and a bit better than useless imho.

    If switching off the router hasn't helped then get a fresh set of alkaline batteries before contacting Humax. I bought a TV and the remote played up more or less immediately, the battery was a non-standard design and expensive, bought a new battery from the TV store, still played up, got a TV repairman under warranty at home and he proved it to be both batteries, yet another new battery fixed it. Sometimes it's the most simplest of things.

    Barry's mentioned the router problem before and it's been relevant for other users.
    Let us know how you get on.

    | Sun 11 Jan 2015 23:30:45 #9 |
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    Hi All,

    I tried switching off my router but made no difference at all. I then tried some alkaline batteries which definitely seem to have made a difference - I can sit on my sofa now and works 90% of the time. Thank you all for your suggestions.

    One other issue that is also remote control related is sometimes the box won't respond at all to the remote - only for a short period say 6/7 seconds but is annoying when you want to pause etc...only happens here and there but enough to annoy the missus!! Anyone come across this?

    | Fri 16 Jan 2015 14:46:07 #10 |

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