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New Model FVP-5000T 2TB Crashing

(13 posts)
  1. HughieDad


    Joined: Sep '17
    Posts: 30


    It's only a couple of weeks since the new FVP-5000T was released and we've been very pleased with it, so far. Today, however, it has crashed twice:

    Crash 1: Watching an HD recording of Blue Planet II. Picture froze as the giant trevally fish flew towards the tern chick! After 2 seconds the screen went black, then the Humax name appeared in white on a patterned background. The machine then went to stand-by and had to be restarted. The recording played fine, this time, though we had to FF from the start (no option to RESUME).

    Crash 2: Watching i-Player. Machine simply rebooted without warning and I had to re-load the i-Player app and then resume.

    Anyone else had crashes, yet?

    | Tue 31 Oct 2017 22:47:18 #1 |
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    No, I've had nothing like that.
    Do you check for updates, or do you let it check when it wants to?

    | Wed 1 Nov 2017 10:52:19 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    HughieDad - 12 hours ago  » 
    It's only a couple of weeks since the new FVP-5000T was released and we've been very pleased with it, so far. Today, however, it has crashed twice:
    Crash 1: Watching an HD recording of Blue Planet II. Picture froze as the giant trevally fish flew towards the tern chick! After 2 seconds the screen went black, then the Humax name appeared in white on a patterned background. The machine then went to stand-by and had to be restarted. The recording played fine, this time, though we had to FF from the start (no option to RESUME).
    Crash 2: Watching i-Player. Machine simply rebooted without warning and I had to re-load the i-Player app and then resume.
    Anyone else had crashes, yet?

    If the option to resume doesn't appear try pressing play with the recording highlighted (This is based on a HDR-1000S which has a similar bug).

    | Wed 1 Nov 2017 11:32:03 #3 |
  4. HughieDad


    Joined: Sep '17
    Posts: 30


    Thanks for replies & tips. No further crashes today. One other symptom I noticed, however, is that the icon on on telly's input list temporarily went back to default after the crashes, as if the telly lost the HDMI connection, or something. It later recovered the SMARTBOX icon I allocated during set-up.

    I presume the FVP-5000T is set to auto-update. I'll check for updates manually when the current recording finishes.

    | Wed 1 Nov 2017 21:15:35 #4 |
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    Have you found sny auto update settings? I can only see a manual update option. Thanks.

    | Tue 7 Nov 2017 19:13:38 #5 |
  6. HughieDad


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    Posts: 30


    No I haven't. I did a manual CHECK NEW SOFTWARE and it found none. I presume it defaults to auto-update.

    The good news is we've had no more crashes since those two. Perhaps we had a mains surge or something? We love the new PVR, despite it's minor foibles: the ON LED that we can't see across the room & the way it defaults to the last recording in a series, not the earliest, in the PLAYBACK listing.

    | Thu 9 Nov 2017 10:01:14 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    HughieDad - 11 minutes ago  » 
    No I haven't. I did a manual CHECK NEW SOFTWARE and it found none. I presume it defaults to auto-update.
    The good news is we've had no more crashes since those two. Perhaps we had a mains surge or something? We love the new PVR, despite it's minor foibles: the ON LED that we can't see across the room & the way it defaults to the last recording in a series, not the earliest, in the PLAYBACK listing.

    The visibility of the led was the first thing about the box that I noticed. I have raised the front of the box a bit and formed a small piece of kitchen foil into a u shape. Pushed under the downwards facing LED it reflects the light sideways so it can easily be seen.

    Looking for a tiny plastic prism or mirror to do the same.

    | Thu 9 Nov 2017 10:15:34 #7 |
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    HughieDad,I found that I could see the front colours on the 5000t better by putting a piece of white paper under the lights,and having the machine lower than my eye level.

    | Thu 9 Nov 2017 10:19:25 #8 |
  9. HughieDad


    Joined: Sep '17
    Posts: 30


    Great minds think alike...but unlike you, I haven't got round to it! The right piece of clear plastic will work like an optical fibre, so I'm on the look out. My dishwasher has four such rigid plastic S-shaped waveguides to carry the light from four LEDs on the PCB to the facia display; they're about 5 mm diameter and 60 mm in length. I'm aiming to emulate them.

    | Thu 9 Nov 2017 10:26:10 #9 |
  10. HughieDad


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    disolar - 7 minutes ago  » 
    HughieDad,I found that I could see the front colours on the 5000t better by putting a piece of white paper under the lights,and having the machine lower than my eye level.

    Yes. Our machine sits on top of a hi-fi unit exactly at eye level. That's the problem. The designers seem to think they are always low down.

    | Thu 9 Nov 2017 10:28:43 #10 |

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