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New Portal Interface

(29 posts)
  1. Barry


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    As it has finally been spotted elsewhere

    Check out the new portal interface, and:

    Whilst you can register on the site, and your devices as well (you need a reg code from the portal) an update to the units browser is required before functions are available to us, no timescales on that presently.

    | Tue 11 Dec 2012 16:02:29 #1 |
  2. Trevor Wright

    Trevor Wright

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    Tried to register, never received any email from Humax to complete authentication?

    | Wed 12 Dec 2012 8:06:37 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    My activation email came immediately from:

    Check spam folder??

    | Wed 12 Dec 2012 8:10:31 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Mine also, it was in my in-box less than a minute later.

    | Wed 12 Dec 2012 9:59:17 #4 |
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    Hi All,

    New here, 1st post so be gentle with me!

    I've just spotted this new portal, and registered at myHumax, but when I log on to the webpage, I am told, on the "App Market" that "My Product does not support this feature". When I go to the "TV Guide" section, I am told that there is "No data Found".

    I have entered the code from the device into the webpage, and entered the PIN I used when creating my account on the webpage, but no joy.

    Are other users finding the same with their FOX-HS2s?

    Am I missing some sort of update to my device perhaps?


    ta in advance!

    | Wed 12 Dec 2012 23:17:23 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    forty-two - 3 minutes ago  » 
    Am I missing some sort of update to my device perhaps?

    Yes you need an update but as Humax have not released one and there is no indication of when they will release one you are in just the same position as all other HDR owners.

    | Wed 12 Dec 2012 23:22:35 #6 |
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    Owen Smith

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    So does this lack of browser update mean the portal is completely useless? If I register will I be able to use BBC iPlayer? That's the only part of the portal I use.

    Frankly if Humax keep pratting around like this it looks like a plan to drive us all to YouView. The portal was working, why did it need to be changed?

    | Thu 13 Dec 2012 1:44:16 #7 |
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    Owen Smith

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    Password? What on earth do I need to create a password for? i just want to use BBC iPlayer. So I either have to create yet another unique password and write it down so I don't forget it, or run the risk of one of my standard passwords being leaked or stolen from Humax. Sigh. My iPad doesn't need a password to run iPlayer, nor does YouView. What do Humax think they are playing at? I am sick to death of having to register on sites I only want to read.

    I bought an HDR Fox T2 for my parents partly for iPlayer, and they have used it. I know them and they will be even less keen than me on registering (don't like giving their email address to people that don't need it). So that's the end of that feature then. Their new Sony TV has iPlayer now so they'll probably switch to that.

    I think Humax underestimate how paranoid and/or lazy some people are. I predict a low takeup for registration.

    | Thu 13 Dec 2012 1:55:36 #8 |
  9. Barry


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    1. The portal still works as it did before.

    2. Bit of over reaction re password

    You do not need to register to use the apps that are available now, only if you want to configure a personal set up of apps once we get the update - as I understand it presently.

    | Thu 13 Dec 2012 7:03:14 #9 |
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    I've tried to register on myhumax but get two errors:

    - Your product does not support App market service.
    - Incorrect Email address (ths when pressing confirm).

    Any suggestions or explanation?

    | Thu 13 Dec 2012 8:25:50 #10 |

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