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New Portal Interface

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    Simon C

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    dandnsmith - 1 day ago  » 
    Another possibility for the 'incorrect email address' is that sometimes they run a check (of sorts) for address validity.
    I've had my domain addresses fail because of the way this is (sometimes) implemented, so fall back on a gmail address (which, if failing, would raise a great outcry). I've no idea what it is that email address checks can fail on.

    Trevor Wright's suggestion is absolutely correct - or at least it's certainly a reason why the validation fails, there may be others. My normal email address is in the form and the website just wouldn't take it, but with exactly the same domain was fine. Both addresses are, from an emailing point of view, equally valid.

    | Fri 14 Dec 2012 17:59:14 #21 |
  2. Trevor Wright

    Trevor Wright

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    Yes, I found that a plain non-dotted address from a Yahoo account I set up worked OK. Problem then was that one of my various attempts at getting registered was recorded in the sign in boxes at the top of the page. Clearing these boxes and entering the now correctly authenticated address just gave a request to authenticate again.

    The trick was to clear the boxes, then press Sign In, then enter the correct address/password into the boxes and then sign in worked fine.

    Humax need to look at this Portal as it is clearly rather fragile.

    I'm also unclear as to quite what we will gain, as HDR Fox T2 owners, from registering. Maybe Barry can summarise the benefits as he understands them whilst not breaching any confidentiality agreement.

    | Sat 15 Dec 2012 9:34:29 #22 |
  3. Barry


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    Trevor cannot say anymore then I already have for the time being.

    As for your good spot re email address, highlighted up the chain to Humax Towers on the first day you mentioned it.

    | Sat 15 Dec 2012 10:30:11 #23 |
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    Before I register a new account at for my box,
    the site asks 'For Humax owners only' Device Manager - Control all downloaded apps using Device Manager? Yes or No.

    Can someone supply more info on this and/or can it be changed after registering?


    | Sun 16 Dec 2012 23:08:54 #24 |
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    From Humax UK's Facebook page:

    Humax are aware of the current issues regarding accessing the App Store on the HDR-FOX T2. We apologise for the inconvenience and are currently working to resolve this problem.

    | Wed 19 Dec 2012 12:28:37 #25 |
  6. Barry


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    But we know the T2 units are not supported via the app store as yet, no idea why they have posted that.

    | Wed 19 Dec 2012 13:01:30 #26 |
  7. chrisdaniels


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    Any more news on this yet Barry?

    | Wed 16 Jan 2013 11:10:59 #27 |
  8. Barry


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    chrisdaniels - 1 minute ago  » 
    Any more news on this yet Barry?

    Nothing that I can share at this time.

    Update is planned and whilst I have an idea of when, will wait for more definitive news before releasing.

    | Wed 16 Jan 2013 11:14:43 #28 |
  9. chrisdaniels


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    Cheers Barry.

    | Wed 16 Jan 2013 11:24:48 #29 |

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