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New Portal Interface

(29 posts)
  1. chrisdaniels


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    Both are self explanatory - they mean what they say.

    Are you sure you input the correct email address? Try registering with a different one if it continues to complain.

    The HDR T2 does not currently support the App Market service.
    Only the standard apps that we have always had - iPlayer, Flickr, Wiki@TV, Radio, YouTube will show up on the Portal on the box.
    The website will not show you those at the moment.

    It hopefully will support the App Market service after we receive a new firmware update (will be 1.02.30 or higher).

    Humax should have held back the portal update until the firmware was ready, but they need to test it.
    Other Humax products will be using the same portal too in different countries and it could be that their boxes already support the new service.

    | Thu 13 Dec 2012 8:52:42 #11 |
  2. Trevor Wright

    Trevor Wright

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    Samm0 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I've tried to register on myhumax but get two errors:
    - Your product does not support App market service.
    - Incorrect Email address (ths when pressing confirm).
    Any suggestions or explanation?

    Did you email include a "." e.g.
    I suspect it does not like "." type addresses, certainly failed for me.

    | Thu 13 Dec 2012 9:47:13 #12 |
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    Another possibility for the 'incorrect email address' is that sometimes they run a check (of sorts) for address validity.
    I've had my domain addresses fail because of the way this is (sometimes) implemented, so fall back on a gmail address (which, if failing, would raise a great outcry). I've no idea what it is that email address checks can fail on.


    | Thu 13 Dec 2012 10:05:43 #13 |
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    I only use the portal for internet radio (iPlayer elsewhere) but find all my favourites, so painstakingly put together,have all been wiped.This is beyond annoying.

    | Thu 13 Dec 2012 11:50:17 #14 |
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    Barry - 6 hours ago <a href="
    You do not need to register to use the apps that are available now, only if you want to configure a personal set up of apps once we get the update - as I understand it presently.

    iPlayer works without registering, as does WikiTV, but Internet Radio and YouTube both refuse to run without registration.

    I also noticed something in the terms and conditions (sadly I am unable to quote it exactly) which suggests that Humax may share my information with third parties. This may have always been the case, but I don't particularly like the idea of my TV viewing habits being sold to the highest bidder.

    As far as I am concerned, if someone wants to sell data based upon what I choose to watch, then the information in question is mine to sell, not Humax's.

    | Thu 13 Dec 2012 13:53:12 #15 |
  6. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    forty-two - 4 hours ago
    iPlayer works without registering, as does WikiTV, but Internet Radio and YouTube both refuse to run without registration.

    I have not registered anything for the new TV portal but have still managed to get all the old options to work e.g. I-Player, YouTube, WikiTV, Internet Radio, Flickr and Picassa, Using 1.02.29 firmware
    It is possible to see the new APP. Market option on a P.C. using
    THIS LINK. If you cant get a mouse click to work, try cursor keys and <Return>. NOTE the App. Market is not currently available on the Humax HDR T2

    | Thu 13 Dec 2012 18:56:53 #16 |
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    I have just noticed the "My Page" link in the top right hand corner of the page at

    Clicking this allows me to see four other pages entitled:
    - Individual Info
    - Manage App Account
    - Manage Device
    - Delete Account

    Under "Manage App Account", I am given the option to link my STB to Facebook or Twitter. Doing so doesn't appear to actually make any difference though.

    Under "Manage Device", I am shown a list of my devices (which in my case is only a HDR-Fox T2), and for that device I am given the following options:
    - Remove Device
    - Change user PIN code
    - Detail Info

    Clicking Detail Info, tells me that "HDD Status Info does not exist".

    Seriously frustrated by all this.

    Until recently, I had a portal which gave me iPlayer, YouTube, Internet Radio, WikiTV and Picasa, and did not require me to register anything or agree to Humax sharing my info with anyone. Now, I have to register and sign over permissions in order to RETAIN that which I used to have (Stick), and none of the suggested new features (Carrot) actually work.

    C'mon Humax, sort it out!

    | Fri 14 Dec 2012 12:40:19 #17 |
  8. Barry


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    You do not have to register anything, just agree to the privacy statement, which we had to do on previous version of portal.

    | Fri 14 Dec 2012 13:16:00 #18 |
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    Owen Smith

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    Is there going to be a way of setting recordings remotely eg. on an iPad or using a web browser? That's the kind of useful functionality that would make we want to sign up for this.

    | Fri 14 Dec 2012 15:51:59 #19 |
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    I wish people would stop moaning about the portal changes. I am glad Humax are changing it and developing it. Hopefully more apps will be added (lovefilm, skyplayer - guilty of false advertising on this one). My big worry is that features won't be supported on HDR-FOX T2. They seem to have abandoned this box in favour of pushing the YouView box which in MyView is going to be a flop. By the time they realise this they will have lost their customer base. A great shame because the FOX T2 is a great box which is more than can be said for Humax customer service.

    | Fri 14 Dec 2012 16:44:48 #20 |

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