My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

New to 2000t, a few issues :-(

(15 posts)
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    Joined: Dec '12
    Posts: 14


    Thank you, will look into it. There is a power to amplifier box in the lounge but I'm not sure if the amp is on the mast? We have 5 rooms from it and there's only one cable going into the lounge where the power supply is. Thanks for your help.

    | Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:04:07 #11 |
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    Posts: 14


    Is there any way of finding out which transmitter I am tuned into?
    Also, if I set the box to factory reset will i lose all my recordings?

    | Tue 31 Dec 2013 11:00:05 #12 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    tracysid - 24 minutes ago  » 
    Is there any way of finding out which transmitter I am tuned into?
    Also, if I set the box to factory reset will i lose all my recordings?

    You won't lose your recordings.

    Enter your postcode here,

    It will give a list of transmitters with the most likely one at the top.

    In this is the transmitter distance and bearing 0 being North 180 being South etc.

    The top one will usually be a main power transmitter and the others relays from the main transmitter (Note in some locations you may be in range of more than 1 main transmitter).

    Now have a look at your and your neighbours aerials, the direction they point (bearing) tells you which transmitter. The orientation of the aerial usually tells you whether its a main transmitter (elements horizontal) or a relay (elements vertical).

    | Tue 31 Dec 2013 11:32:59 #13 |
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    Thank you.

    | Tue 31 Dec 2013 15:51:49 #14 |
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    tracysid - 9 hours ago  » 
    Is there any way of finding out which transmitter I am tuned into?Thanks

    To see which transmitters you are currently tuned to requires a bit of detective work.

    The first thing to do is to look up the UHF channels that you are tuned to. To do this:
    • First view a live channel. Then press MENU followed by Settings >> System >>Signal Detection.
    • This will tell you the UHF channel number for the channel that you were watching live.
    • Then press the right arrow to the right of ‘OK’. This will give you a list of all the UHF channels that you are currently tuned into. Make a note of then all. You may have to use the Page up and down buttons on your remote to see them all.

    The next thing to do is to look up the UHF channel numbers for all the transmitters that you may be receiving from.
    To do this go to (Leave the tick in the “Detailed view” box”.)
    • And enter your postcode and house number. That link should already have ticked the Detailed View” check box. Keep that check box ticked!
    • After clicking on ‘Go’ you will be presented with a list of possible transmitters. Beneath this each transmitter is headlined. The only rows you are interested in are the rows that say “Now”. Ignore the rows which say “Final situation”. Ignore the rows which say “Reception change” .
    • In the “Now” rows there are some numbers which are greyer than the others. These are the UHF channel numbers.

    The game is to match the grey UHF numbers with the numbers that you noted from your Signal Detection list.

    If it is a match then you have found one of the transmitters that you are tuned to. If not all the numbers are against that transmitter than look at the others.

    | Tue 31 Dec 2013 20:13:41 #15 |

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