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No access to recordings

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    Dragon Catcher

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    Rather suddenly my PVR 9300T has stopped giving me access to my recorded programmes. I selected the "Menu" on my remote control and the six main options have changed - I cannot find out how much space is left, BUT I now have a "GAMES" option (where did that come from?).

    I have tried DEFAULT setting, but there is no change. I can imagine the disc is full and some recordings need deleting, but I can't get access to it - nor simply access to the list of programs recorded (as I said at the beginning).

    Any suggestions about what I should do?

    Thanks, in anticipation!!

    | Fri 21 Aug 2015 7:28:59 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Dragon Catcher - 1 hour ago  » 
    Rather suddenly my PVR 9300T has stopped giving me access to my recorded programmes. I selected the "Menu" on my remote control and the six main options have changed - I cannot find out how much space is left, BUT I now have a "GAMES" option (where did that come from?).

    The disappearance of the Record Menu which then reveals the Games Menu indicates that the Humax can't communicate with the hard drive. I take it you have tried turning the mains power off and leaving the box for an hour? Most likely the hard drive has failed but you could try opening the Humax and reseating the connections to the hard drive at both ends. Replacing the hard drive is straight forward but whether that should be done or the box replaced is for you to decide.

    | Fri 21 Aug 2015 9:26:31 #2 |
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    Dragon Catcher

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    Thank you Martin. I did switch it off, but not for an hour - I will do that now and see if it works.

    Many Thanks

    | Fri 21 Aug 2015 10:45:45 #3 |
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    Dragon Catcher

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    I switched it off for more than an hour - tried it again, but no change. As you say it is probably the hard drive. I may have to pluck up some courage to open the box and try reseating the connections.

    Thanks for your help.

    | Sat 22 Aug 2015 8:17:01 #4 |
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    Dragon Catcher

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    I am not sure I want to try reseating the hard drive. I am now considering a new Humax. I've looked at the PVR9300T which looks good, but there are not too many about (I would like to use a secure supplier - private sales through, say, Ebay are not for me).

    Are you allowed to make recommendations on this forum?

    If so, I don't need anything more than my PVR9200 (or PVR9300) and prefer not to pay extra for internet downloads etc. - what would you suggest?

    | Sun 23 Aug 2015 8:30:59 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Dragon Catcher - 1 hour ago  » 
    I am not sure I want to try reseating the hard drive. I am now considering a new Humax. I've looked at the PVR9300T which looks good, but there are not too many about (I would like to use a secure supplier - private sales through, say, Ebay are not for me).

    I wouldn't go for a 9300T as they have been out of production for some considerable time and the design is now rather dated. I would suggest an HDR-2000T. Yes you would get features you don't think you need but the important thing is that the later models are significantly better at the basics such as accurate recording and series link and have enough memory to cope with the ever increasing number of channels (where there are some reports of the 9300T beginning to suffer). You can get a reconditioned HDR-2000T with a years warranty from Humax Direct for £119.00.

    | Sun 23 Aug 2015 9:56:20 #6 |

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