Hi just got my new 1000s but there is no date with my recordings or am I missing something.
My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S
No date with my recordings
(9 posts)-
| Wed 31 Oct 2012 15:17:27 #1 |
Hi welcome to the forum. If you are looking at the containing folder of a series recording, then Click OK on it to reveal the contents.
But yes for one offs there doesn't seem to be a date or time indications for any recordings.
| Wed 31 Oct 2012 15:25:25 #2 | -
Ken bob - 22 minutes ago »
Ken bob - 17 minutes ago »
Hi just got my new 1000s but there is no date with my recordings or am I missing something.I think this is a bad omission
Suggest you pass on your comment to freesat - Contact freesat
| Wed 31 Oct 2012 16:00:36 #4 | -
Yes no date on my recordings but it shows the date when the program fails as I have had 3 fails and on my second box, spent a lot of £ on this box and feel
I have telephoned Humax and freesat but they are not interested fully and get annoyed as I have highlighted major issues of concern, this is not my fault, I just want to watch TV access on demand but what I purchased is not fully working and payed out a premium for it, would you buy a Car and expect the steering wheel 6 months later, would you buy a printer and the ink goes on sale 3 months later, you would not, I expect some issues but so many I am seriously considering taking this back and getting a youview box as my internet provider offering me one for free, I will wait 3 months and then decide what to do, if it still does not work the store said I can return it for a full refund.
| Wed 31 Oct 2012 17:49:51 #5 | -
What signal do you have to the freesat transponder and others? Your experience is not typical at all.
| Wed 31 Oct 2012 18:47:46 #6 | -
As a new member, I am absolutely staggered at some of the niggly comments eg HEYABC above and many other postings re the HDR 1000s. Have these members nothing else to do with their lives? How sad! Mine, so far, has been excellent and whether it tells the time correctly etc., or not, does not stop me enjoying the excellent functions and performance that it delivers.
| Wed 31 Oct 2012 19:02:39 #7 | -
I have been told that the stuff on the side of the box - Youtube and other content was removed to make sure the box was stable, I am not sure who did the UAT testing but this clunky box with a clicky remote when you press some of the buttons, click click may end up back to the store but I am giving 3 more weeks and if it does not work then its time to get my money back. Can't come home to freezing box, faild recordings, On demand content from BBCi and ITV not working and the click click on the new freesat freetime remote. Maybe I should zip wire out the window and enjoy the outdoors and forget TV.
| Wed 31 Oct 2012 19:06:38 #8 | -
Your last sentence HEYBAC seems like an excellent idea. You can then go and moan - hopefully on some other forum - about the midges, mosquitos and other creepie crawlies that you might meet. Scary!
| Wed 31 Oct 2012 19:24:08 #9 |
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