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No FTP and no Media Server -still.

(8 posts)
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    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 13


    Does anyone know when these features will come?

    Is it possible to copy to USB?

    | Thu 29 Aug 2013 7:27:41 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    No timescales at the moment, and no you cannot copy to usb.

    | Thu 29 Aug 2013 7:36:36 #2 |


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    Why do you expect FTP? To copy recordings to the unit?

    | Thu 29 Aug 2013 8:22:12 #3 |
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    Transfers over the ethernet can be faster than most USB ports. I would like to be able save recordings off and put them back later if necessary.

    | Thu 29 Aug 2013 18:35:54 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    skoya - 3 hours ago  » 
    Transfers over the ethernet can be faster than most USB ports. I would like to be able save recordings off and put them back later if necessary.

    How do you work that out ?

    USB2.0 is more than fast enough for the highest quality 1080p50 content and full quality Blu-ray 1080p24 at bitrates around 35Mbps in less than real time. The limit is nothing to do with USB, it's down to the requirement of a pvr to service it's function as a pvr. The CPU is programmed to support the basic pvr requirements and allocate transfers of data to times when the CPU has some spare capacity. Would you be happy if you were copying content either by usb or via a lan connection if you could not use the pvr for it's primary purpose ?

    Do you have an internet connection capable of streaming full quality Blu-ray 1080p24 content, if you have you are very fortunate.

    In fact the speed of the connection between kit connected to your router transferred locally is the more likely the issue (these are not transferred over the internet merely over yout home network) In the end your network is more than likely faster than the pvr can cope with anyway (if it's very slow uSB would be faster anyway).

    To put into perspective USB2.0 is in theory capable of up to 60Megabytes/second. That's a data transfer speed of about 420 megabits/second (one byte is 8 bits). I have a reasonably fast broadband connection of 20 megabits/second (Mbps). The USB2.0 connection is therefore in theory about 20 times faster than my internet connection. USB devices though vary have there own speed restrictions especially for solid state (flash memory devices - important for devices uses for real time capture if high definition images in camcorders and DSLR's.

    In practice the cheapest USB mass storage device will be faster than you can transfer data over the internet, unless you have a really high speed service.

    If you have there's a flash memory device that will make it look like a snail

    This one has a write speed of 240MB/sec or 1920 megabits/second ( 96 times faster than my measly 20Mbps can manage

    How fast is your internet connection ?.

    Test it here

    Divide the results by 1000 for Kbps (ie 20Mbps will be 20000Kbps)

    | Thu 29 Aug 2013 22:23:15 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    By the way as already said, it's near certain you won't be able copy content either by usb or ftp (should have bought a Foxsat-hdr if that's what you need). What you will likely be able to do is view recorded content on it remotely using a suitable box if both are connected to your home network. A bit like HDMI this requires the two boxes to talk to each other to view encrypted content. In the short term at least this will mean another Humax modern box. Don't expect to be able to download recordings and watch on another device.

    | Thu 29 Aug 2013 23:38:27 #6 |
  7. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 13


    I have given up the wait for FTP and DLNA server. I have 'upgraded' to a fox sat HDR + raydon software.

    Now perfectly happy with the functionality.

    | Fri 31 Jan 2014 12:48:17 #7 |


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    Where did you get the idea that there would be a FTP server?
    I have only seen a mention that a secure DLNA server was an intended.

    | Fri 31 Jan 2014 14:59:11 #8 |

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