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No picture when using with home cinema amp via hdmi

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    My problem is this.

    My T1000 will not give be a picture when used with my Yamaha home cinema amplifier. I have contacted the support teams of both manufactures. Yamaha came back straight away and said the T1000 was at fault. I copied this to Humax some time ago and despite a chaser email, no response.

    Both bits of kit are working. I get HDMI output when I plug in to the TV direct. Everything else that runs through the amp is fine.

    I'm very disappointed Humax have not come back to me. Is this a common problem with them?

    I'm running the TV output through the amp to make it work but this is a poor solution in my view.

    Any ideas on fixing this?

    | Sun 2 Dec 2012 17:33:33 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    A better workaround is to connect the T1000 direct to the TV for the video and connect the T1000 to the amp using optical audio as this will give you digital surround sound where broadcast.

    I seem to recall other Yamaha amp users had a similar problem and it is related to the HDMI handshaking not negotiating the screen resolution to use properly. You could try playing with the screen resolution settings on the amp and / or TV set. In any case, you will still need the optical audio connection until they support digital surround sound (if ever) over HDMI.

    | Sun 2 Dec 2012 18:32:11 #2 |
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    Thanks for your response, much appreciated!

    I'll have a go at the optical cable fix. I have one kicking around somewhere that I've tried to use before(and failed).

    | Sun 9 Dec 2012 21:02:06 #3 |
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    Finally got around to using the suggested work around above. Sound now much better. I cannot get over the irony though of having an amp with 8 av channels of which I am using only 1, and 4 audio channels which are all being used!

    Still waiting for an email from humax customer services though which I think is rubbish!

    Thanks again Mr gomezz.

    | Sat 5 Jan 2013 17:31:03 #4 |
  5. gomezz


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    It is rumoured that digital surround sound over HDMI is included in the software update due at the end of January.

    | Sat 5 Jan 2013 17:52:10 #5 |

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