My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

No Recordings

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    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 48


    Hi, yesterday I went to play q recording but it said that I had no recordings. So I reset the recorder after which all my recordings were still available but my planned ones were gone. I set a few but I’m still told that I have no recordings. Is it broken?

    | Wed 30 Aug 2023 17:59:36 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Dec '13
    Posts: 374


    Good morning Calomax,

    Welcome to the forum. Which Model have you got? If it's the old 1000s, it has problems with hard drive sata interface with motherboard. If it is the 1000S model, it may need to be repaired.

    You mention recording schedule (Planned recordings) are lost, this is normal when you retune/reset unit. But recordings are kept on hard drive & should still always still be assessable, unless there is a fault with unit as mentioned above. John L

    | Thu 31 Aug 2023 9:33:08 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Calomax - 19 hours ago  » 
    So I reset the recorder after which all my recordings were still available.

    So could you play these recordings?

    | Thu 31 Aug 2023 13:37:37 #3 |

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