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Not able to stop hard drive whirring...(continued)

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    (This thread has been created because the original thread with Adrien's question has been moved to the youview FAQ section and therefore cannot be replied to.)

    Adrien - 1 day ago  » 
    I am not able to stop my PVR hard drive whirring without turning off at the mains. This means I have to remember to turn mains plug on shortly before I want something recorded. Not impossible but I might forget !
    I dont mind how long it takes to start up. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

    Adrien - 1 day ago  » 
    Purchased new 22/12/2014 Humax DTR T2000

    Adrien - 1 day ago  » 
    I just think the hard drive running all the time is wrong and there must be a setting whereby it will start up when a program is set to record and turn off again afterwards.

    The setting which can change the amount of tine the hard drive spins are the "Standby Mode" options within "Power & Standby".
    To access Settings there is a cog in the top right hand corner of the youview home screen. From the home screen use your up arrow to access. The "Power & Standby" is the 3rd icon on the 2nd row of "Settings".

    There are 3 options for "Standby Mode".
    The "Always Ready" option will never stop the HDD (Hard Disk Drive).
    The "Energy Saver" option will stop the HDD far more often.
    The other option, "SMART", is a hybrid of the two and you choose the hours it is the same as "Energy Saver".

    For the closest to what you are wanting make sure that "Energy Saver" is selected.
    There are a couple of things to be aware of with "Energy Saver" ...

    a/ When you switch the PVR to standby it immediately turns off the picture and the sound but it takes 7 minutes to go into full standby mode, and during these 7 minutes the HDD will still spin.

    b/ If there is a recording soon to start then the HDD will spin.

    | Wed 22 Dec 2021 22:51:00 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Adminstrator 'Barry' has merged this topic 'Not able to stop hard drive whirring...(continued)' with topic 'Not able to stop hard drive whirring without unplu'.

    This topic is now closed. You can follow the merged topics by clicking here: Not able to stop hard drive whirring without unplu (start of merged post).
    | Thu 23 Dec 2021 7:32:45 #2 |

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