My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

Not recording Series

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    Joined: Aug '16
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    My Humax 9150 PVR is recording daily views and initially marks Series recording as well but once the daily views have passed and it goes overnight the Series recording disappears. I am not very good at these tech issues so any help would be appreciated. I have done a reset and checked software update but does not resolve the problem. Thanks

    | Mon 29 Aug 2016 15:25:31 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Bottom - 10 minutes ago  » 
    My Humax 9150 PVR is recording daily views and initially marks Series recording as well but once the daily views have passed and it goes overnight the Series recording disappears.

    That sounds like a well known problem that only affects the 9150/9300 and unfortunately there is no known solution. Only workaround is to leave the box on 24 hours a day.

    | Mon 29 Aug 2016 15:37:14 #2 |

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