My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

not switching on 4000t

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    junior member
    Joined: Apr '15
    Posts: 6


    Should I replace the cable with a specific one, which would suit my needs? Can you point me in the right direction.
    Many thanks for your help with this issue!

    | Thu 20 Dec 2018 9:06:54 #11 |
  2. Trev


    special member
    Joined: Apr '18
    Posts: 530


    If the cable was working and now it still works OK for video and sound, and you have pulled and re-plugged both ends, then it's unlikely that it's faulty. Do you not have a spare HDMI cable 'kicking around' that you can try to satisfy yourself that it's not that?

    If not, the pound shop is a good source of 'test' cables.
    Your problem is more likely to be a CEC switching problem, possibly caused by a software update to either the Humax or the TV.

    From what you imply, in your case, it seems like the CEC should be doing two things when you bring the Humax out of standby:
    a. Bring the TV out of standby to ON and
    b. Switch the TV's input to the Humax video output.

    You seem to have tested for a. and found it doesn't work. Now test for b.

    First switch on the TV (bring it out of standby) and set the input to a
    TV channel (not the Humax box) and then switch on the Humax, does the TV's input change to the Humax?

    | Thu 20 Dec 2018 9:58:38 #12 |


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    With both units in standby what happens if you bring the TV out of standby with the remote? Does the PVR power-up.

    Do you have any other connected devices (like an amp)?

    Have you changed the TV HDMI port, if so back to the original.

    | Thu 20 Dec 2018 10:11:43 #13 |

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