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Nothing after the 'starting' freesat humax start-up screen

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    The humax box says 'starting' when it is powered on, with a 'freesat humax' page being shown on the tv.
    But then the tv screen goes black, flickers, black again, then all fuzzy, like your tv does when nothing is attached to it. (The box reads 'installation wizard' at this time).
    So I'm sad! Really don't know what I'm doing wrong, but this is the second box with the same problem without any joy whatsoever (nice people at John Lewis gave me a new one to try today).
    Note - I am using a scart lead instead of the hd cable (since I do not have a hd tv), but I still think everything should work.
    Also - The 'wifi' dongle wasn't available at John Lewis, and Richer Sounds say they only have one for the Fox version... where can we get the wifi dongle (if I ever get the rest of the machine to work). Thank you

    | Sun 20 Jan 2013 19:48:14 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome the the Forum

    It could be that the TV is automatically switching away from the input you have the HDR connected to during the boot cycle.

    With installation wizard on the front of the unit try using the source button on your TV remote to cycle through the inputs.

    | Sun 20 Jan 2013 22:07:26 #2 |
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    Fabulous reply, thank you Barry.
    (I'd seen a similar comment about this before, but though it meant the tv/av button on the humax remote, but of course I needed to use the TV remote)
    Do you also have any expert news on the wifi dongle for the humax 1000s? Can I buy the 'Fox' one?!

    | Mon 21 Jan 2013 11:23:48 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    Re the dongle yes you can buy that one, Richer sounds are confused methinks.

    | Mon 21 Jan 2013 11:51:45 #4 |
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    I have a similar problem. I initially wired up using a scart and the unit worked perfectly. I then swapped the scart for an HDMI lead. I reconfigured the tv Loewe Concept 32 (not easy to do) but after switching off unit fails to switch on again:
    Initial screen comes on then goes off followed by a beep.
    This cycle repeats itself.
    After several cycles it may come on or it may not.
    Fiddling with the unit sometimes helps to sort it. That would suggest a bad connection on the aerial sat input, but i have verifed that it is a good connection.
    Tonight I have gone back to the original connection, however this isn't really satisfactory as I wanted HDMI set up.
    I would be grateful if you could advise me as to what the problem is.


    | Mon 21 Jan 2013 18:21:37 #5 |

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