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NOW TV app - When will it be supported?

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    Anyone heard anything from Humax or NOW TV when the app might be updated to work with Humax Aura?

    Having checked the version on my Aura, it is "2.15.0-NowTV" updated "9 Sept 2020".

    When I try and run the app, it just comes back with "NOW TV is not supported on this device."

    | Sun 22 Nov 2020 19:06:49 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    MattB1 - 30 mins ago  » 
    Anyone heard anything from Humax or NOW TV when the app might be updated to work with Humax Aura?
    Having checked the version on my Aura, it is "2.15.0-NowTV" updated "9 Sept 2020".
    When I try and run the app, it just comes back with "NOW TV is not supported on this device."

    Now-Tv works now on most other kit thanks to the Aura built in chromecast.

    I guess the app will be available when it works.

    NowTV on most devices allows casting to a chromecast, The aura has a built in chromecast

    What device are you using to reply to this thread ?

    | Sun 22 Nov 2020 19:45:59 #2 |
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    senior member
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    Posts: 97


    Ok, I guess it's a case of waiting. Using Android App to Chromecast is fine, but would be nice to have it all in same box.

    Good to know that Chromecast version works with NOW TV. I wasn't sure if it would, as for example the Netflix app works with a Google Chromecast stick, but doesn't work with the Chromecast inside the Aura.

    | Sun 22 Nov 2020 20:29:46 #3 |

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