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Observations post upgrade

(6 posts)
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    Joined: Sep '15
    Posts: 22


    upgraded to the latest version, no significant issues, but, some of the strange UI type
    issues are still there. These observations are for comment and for the attention of Humax.
    Transmitter source is single.

    1. the right arrow button -> enables me to advance through a program (four clicks to
    skip adverts!!) but only once in the current program. Pressing -> again takes me to the
    video recorder style menu (in blue ). To regain this feature I find I have to exit the
    program, restart and it will function again.
    Note that this is not the case on my Foxsat HDR

    2. list of programs, when moving up a series, the info on each program has to be selected,
    why isn't it automatic? Note that this is also the case with my Foxsat HDR

    3. Selecting the main menu option , ie recordings requires the OK button to be pressed,

    4. Some of the buttons on the remote are losing the markings.

    5. Why are the exit and return buttons in the same cluster as the arrows, causing frequent
    exits from programs?

    Finally, the disk appears to be running all the time, even when the red led is on, and
    the unit is not recording, for what reason?

    | Sun 11 Dec 2016 16:47:20 #1 |
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    Joined: May '16
    Posts: 45


    I put a small piece of Blutack on the central Enter button, this helps remote control navigation and arrow buttons identification.

    | Sun 11 Dec 2016 19:01:37 #2 |
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    Joined: Sep '15
    Posts: 22


    Like the lo tech solution, brilliant!!!
    However, we shouldn't need to do this, a raised point on the keys would help (tactile)
    perhaps the next update will involve a free bit of blutack in the post?

    | Sun 11 Dec 2016 19:06:19 #3 |
  4. Barry


    senior admin
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    Posts: 11,074


    1. No Problem with skipping numerous times on same programme. No idea what you mean by 'video recorder style menu'

    2. No comment

    3. Because there is more then one option that can be highlighted therefore you have to press ok to action.

    Latest remote (RM-L08) has a dedicated recordings button, but has other issues.

    4. Happens with nearly all my remotes, not just Humax.

    5. User has to be more careful The Ok button is slightly depressed in comparison to the arrow buttons on my RM-LO3

    5. Do you have network timer function or remote record enabled?

    | Sun 11 Dec 2016 19:53:19 #4 |
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    Joined: Sep '15
    Posts: 22



    Thanks for your comments.

    1. the blue reverse , pause , play, forward buttons, common to most recording devices.

    5. Designer needs to do their job properly. I am convinced that all the designers of these products get it right, then sit with the 'suits' to work out how to make it difficult for the user, you know the ones that pay their wages .

    Finally, re the disk, no and no.

    | Mon 12 Dec 2016 7:40:08 #5 |
  6. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,074


    As you do not have timed functions enabled then I would carry out a factory reset see if that fixes the HDD continually running.

    Make a note of your timers as you will have to re enter them, and any user settings you have adjusted.

    Note: when you put unit into standby it takes approx. 1 minute 35 seconds for the unit to fully shut down.

    Edit: Re your skipping issue, I think I now know the problem....The elapsed time has to be highlighted for the skip function to work, as per our FAQ

    | Mon 12 Dec 2016 7:50:07 #6 |

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