I've experienced an odd issue with my HDR-1000S that I wanted to make people aware of. I've not experienced it before (that I am aware of) and I dont know how to replicate it.
Last week sometime (I dont recall when) I searched the guide for the British Touring Car Championships. It was aired on Sunday 31st March nearly all day on ITV4. I was searching for the highlights program which repeats a few times during the week on ITV 4, but once on ITV HD. It was the HD highlights I wanted to record. This was on this morning, 4th April, around 4am on ITV HD. I set a series record for this, so that I would get all the HD highlights shows for the season. These only air once in HD, and always on ITV HD in the early hours of one of the mornings of the week following a race weekend. I did the same last season.
A few days later, on Saturday or Sunday of the bank holiday weeend, I noticed that this wasnt in my planned recordings list. I know for certain that I added it (series link) but not thinking too much of this, I searched again for the program, and again I set it to series record. This time I validated that it appeared in the planned recordings list.
I have just finished watching the football on ITV 4 this evening, so I decided to watch the BTCC HD highlights. I am incredibly disaponted to see that it didnt record in the early hours of this morning, and there is no failed recording message. There is nothing in the planned list.
What on earth is going on? I didnt think much of it when it vanished the first time, but after checking and double checking a second time, when it failed to record today, I know for sure that I have set this twice now, and yet it still failed.
Any ideas?