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Oddity with Eggheads series programming

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    I have Eggheads set up on my 5000T for series recording on BBC 2 HD. Oddly, on Monday and Tuesday next week, although there are programmes in the EPG and they appear on the left in the list of recordings and schedules, there is no little red clock there or in the EPG to show that it is due to be recorded.

    Any ideas anyone?

    | Fri 4 May 2018 16:57:13 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    I will check in the morning. I had similar on my HDR-1000S, a specific episode failed to appear in the epg, despite repeated attempts. In the end it recorded fine and the epg recording flag did appear the following week.

    | Fri 4 May 2018 21:07:51 #2 |
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    Had similar with formula one last weekend on my 4000. Recorded practise 1, missed practise 2. Upon check the schedule list it wasn't picking up practise 3 or qualy and race. Going into the EPG still showed the red mark, rechevking the schedule and they were back.

    Think its happened previously on other series but not sure

    | Fri 4 May 2018 21:19:05 #3 |
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    I just had another look. Monday and Tuesday's clock symbols were still missing, and then, as I was looking, the one for Monday appeared, but not for Tuesday.

    The 5000T really is a mysterious machine.

    | Sat 5 May 2018 7:03:54 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    I just set the series from next Monday. Recording icon appears on all days next week.

    | Sat 5 May 2018 9:55:24 #5 |
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    I am going to have to keep a close eye on this, because it keeps on changing.

    | Sat 5 May 2018 17:05:43 #6 |
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    Still not showing the record flag for Tuesday now (Sunday lunchtime). Tried programming it as a single recording and no dropdown appeared at the top of the screen to say that the recording had been set, but on looking at the list it was now flagged but without the series "s" marker.

    All very strange.

    | Sun 6 May 2018 12:08:11 #7 |
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    Odder and odder! I just looked again and the one-off schedule for BBC2 HD Eggheads on Tuesday was still there, as it should have been. I then noticed that on selecting it, I was offered "record whole series". So I selected that and after a blink, all episodes are now set up with their correct flags and series indicators. I wonder what was going on. I will, of course, keep a close eye on it and, as a backup, I have a one-off set for BBC2 SD.

    | Sun 6 May 2018 14:40:39 #8 |
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    A1944 - 4 days ago  » 
    Odder and odder! I just looked again and the one-off schedule for BBC2 HD Eggheads on Tuesday was still there, as it should have been. I then noticed that on selecting it, I was offered "record whole series". So I selected that and after a blink, all episodes are now set up with their correct flags and series indicators. I wonder what was going on. I will, of course, keep a close eye on it and, as a backup, I have a one-off set for BBC2 SD.

    I have noticed this on the bank holiday eggheads programme and just set the series recorder when looking at the Monday schedule to get the record roundel. Have noticed this with other programs especially on Drama or similar channel when a programme is repeated during the day but then drops the transmission of the earlier timing (that being the one set for record) but you would expect a series record to then pick up the later timing but it doesn't do so

    | Fri 11 May 2018 10:11:45 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    redmic - 28 minutes ago  » 

    A1944 - 4 days ago  » 
    Odder and odder! I just looked again and the one-off schedule for BBC2 HD Eggheads on Tuesday was still there, as it should have been. I then noticed that on selecting it, I was offered "record whole series". So I selected that and after a blink, all episodes are now set up with their correct flags and series indicators. I wonder what was going on. I will, of course, keep a close eye on it and, as a backup, I have a one-off set for BBC2 SD.

    I have noticed this on the bank holiday eggheads programme and just set the series recorder when looking at the Monday schedule to get the record roundel. Have noticed this with other programs especially on Drama or similar channel when a programme is repeated during the day but then drops the transmission of the earlier timing (that being the one set for record) but you would expect a series record to then pick up the later timing but it doesn't do so

    If the later showing has the same series crid and same programme crid it will not record it as it has already recorded that episode.

    | Fri 11 May 2018 10:41:38 #10 |

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