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Old USB drive recordings on new Humax?

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    Tried finding an existing answer, but all my searches get bogged down in direct drive transfers, which is not what I'm asking:
    We have a Humax HDR-FOX T2 (1TB, bought May 2012), with a 2TB drive attached to a USB port to archive recordings.
    Most standard def, though some are HD.
    Looking at buying a new Humax FVP-4000T (1TB or maybe 2TB) for a new setup.
    If I unplug the current 2TB USB drive on the old Humax & plug in into the new unit:
    What recordings will be viewable and/or transferable to the new machine internal drive, and would I then be able to re-export them to a new external USB drive?
    Sorry if already answered, happy to look at relevant posts that I failed to find.

    Also, what is the maximum external drive size I could attach to the new Humax USB port?

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 14:01:13 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    The HDR-FOX-T2 has a DTCP-IP DLNA server and client. A second HDR-Fox-T2 can view all of it's recordings and vice versa. Non DTCP IP clients can view only SD recordings.

    I don't have a 4000T but it's possible you can view them directly, need an owner to detail just what is possible using DLNA on a 4000T.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 14:44:15 #2 |
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    Thanks, GT. Any 4000T owners who can help out with more info?

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 15:23:27 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    windbag - 1 hour ago  » 
    What recordings will be viewable and/or transferable to the new machine internal drive, and would I then be able to re-export them to a new external USB drive?

    You won't be able to use the HD recordings as they will still be encrypted and only playable on the box that made them. The SD recordings should be playable from the USB drive although you may need to delete or move the sidecar files elsewhere as the format differs between the two boxes i.e. just keep the .ts file. Need an FVP_4000T to answer about copying recordings onto the hard drive.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 15:27:02 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    grahamlthompson - 42 minutes ago  » 
    The HDR-FOX-T2 has a DTCP-IP DLNA server and client. A second HDR-Fox-T2 can view all of it's recordings and vice versa. Non DTCP IP clients can view only SD recordings.
    I don't have a 4000T but it's possible you can view them directly, need an owner to detail just what is possible using DLNA on a 4000T.

    SD recordings - yes
    HD recordings - no

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 15:27:03 #5 |
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    Thanks ML & Barry.

    The SD recordings should be playable from the USB drive although you may need to delete or move the sidecar files elsewhere as the format differs between the two boxes i.e. just keep the .ts file. Need an FVP_4000T to answer about copying recordings onto the hard drive.
    What sort of kit do I need to achieve that? Can I use my Windows PC?
    I have a duplicate of the 2TB archive drive; can I use it to make a backup of the archive 2TB drive so that I'm safe if I make a hash of things?
    I can't go via the HDR-FOX-T2 as its drive is too small for the archive drive content.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 15:39:22 #6 |
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    Sorry, made a mess of quoting relevant text block...(can't see a "preview" on this forum...)

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 15:40:22 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    windbag - 19 minutes ago  » 
    Sorry, made a mess of quoting relevant text block...(can't see a "preview" on this forum...)

    There isn't a preview but you can edit posts for a short period after posting.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 16:00:43 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    windbag - 21 minutes ago  » 
    What sort of kit do I need to achieve that? Can I use my Windows PC?

    You haven't said what format the drive is using. If it is EXT2 or EXT3 then you need to install a driver to allow a Windows PC to access an EXT2 formated dive. There several to choose from; perhaps start with Ext2FSD from

    I can't go via the HDR-FOX-T2 as its drive is too small for the archive drive content.

    You could install the custom firmware on the HDR-FOX T2 which would allow you delete sidecar files. It would also give you other benefits that are outside the scope of discussion on this site.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 16:08:24 #9 |
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    I'm sure I read somewhere that a 5TB worked as an external drive, I can't confirm though.

    The fvp4000t is very limited as far as file manipulation goes. Folders cannot be created so everything stays at the top level in "Recordings" which will become more of a problem with time.
    Files can be copied across from usb and land in a different area under "Media" on the internal hard drive, folders will be copied across, but cannot be created so any manipulation needs to be carried out before copying over.
    Files can be copied over via network and land in yet another area under "Media" on the internal hard drive which is a samba share and as such all files/folders can be manipulated in this area.

    In normal circumstances only SD recordings from the hdrFoxT2 will be visible on the fvp4000t regardless of them being available via usb or network, the associated 'info' is lost though.

    My advice, same as others here, install custom firmware on the hdrFoxT2 if you haven't done so already as this will allow a whole host of options.

    The fvp4000t although having better hardware is still lacking as far as software goes and shouldn't be seen as a media server. The UI (user interface) is limited and frustrating and it's not just a case of getting used to it. If it weren't for the online content, catch-up etc. a 2nd hdrFoxT2 would make more sense.

    Some users are happy with 500GB and use a pvr mainly for time shifting. Seeing as you're already using large external drives I'd recommend the 2TB fvp4000t model over the 1TB.
    With custom firmware you can fit a larger than 2TB drive in the hdrFoxT2, I can't remmeber if >2TB internal is possible with the fvp4000t. I can imagine bbc changing/updating iplayer yet again over the next year or two so the fvp4000t is the way forward as far as online content goes, but don't expect too much from it.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 17:43:22 #10 |

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