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Old USB drive recordings on new Humax?

(17 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    windbag - 2 hours ago  » 
    Thanks ML & Barry.
    The SD recordings should be playable from the USB drive although you may need to delete or move the sidecar files elsewhere as the format differs between the two boxes i.e. just keep the .ts file. Need an FVP_4000T to answer about copying recordings onto the hard drive.
    What sort of kit do I need to achieve that? Can I use my Windows PC?
    I have a duplicate of the 2TB archive drive; can I use it to make a backup of the archive 2TB drive so that I'm safe if I make a hash of things?
    I can't go via the HDR-FOX-T2 as its drive is too small for the archive drive content.

    I think you can access the usb drive as well using the HDR-FOX-T2 DNLA server. If I remember you can select USB drives as the source (even more than one if connected to two ports or via a powered USB hub).

    You can test this out on a PC using DLNA client software.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 18:04:14 #11 |
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    Sorry for intermission - family time...
    Thanks to all the kind persons who have responded with useful info.

    If I understand, the FVP_4000T is a backward step as far as file organisation goes? Does it not automatically make folders when recording, say, a series, and can't I manually make folders for, say, films?
    If so, I can see finding stuff will become a real pain, especially on a 2TB version.

    I've slept a few times since first putting the current archive 2TB on, and I can't remember if I formatted it first via PC or let the HDR-FOX-T2 format it for me. I have got some ExtX drivers installed to enable our QNAP NAS to be read, but haven't gone down that route since being able to have the NAS backups in NTFS format.

    I haven't modified the HDR-FOX-T2 firmware as I've never had a need to, and didn't know there was such a thing until I dipped my toe into this forum.
    I'll try to ensure I have a full 2GB backup before attempting any such.
    Before even that, I'll investigate copying some content to my spare 2TB on the HDR-FOX-T2 to investigate what format it is.

    I've also got to make up my mind whether to use the discount code Humax have just sent to get 10% off their 2TB FVP_4000T or just use a cheaper 1TB with an off-board drive to get the archive capacity back.
    But will I be able to find stuff without folders...?

    Seems like I have a bit of homework/head-scratching to do, so,as the saying goes, "I might be some time"...

    Any further info/thoughts gratefully received.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 22:18:51 #12 |
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    windbag - 27 minutes ago  » 
    If I understand, the FVP_4000T is a backward step as far as file organisation goes? Does it not automatically make folders when recording, say, a series, and can't I manually make folders for, say, films?

    sorry for my confusion, yes it does create folders for series automatically; however you can't create folders so organising kids films, documentaries, comedy, music, gardening and you name it etc. etc. isn't possible so top level will become a mess.

    Personally I'd install custom firmware (CF) on the hdrFoxT2 as this will allow you to see what's possible. Assuming the NAS is available to all devices I'd be thinking about archiving to that rather than using external usb locally. The humaxes should be able to playback suitable content from the NAS.

    The 10% offer is a good deal, alternatively the refurb'd 500GB and just replace the standard 3.5" drive. Whilst you're scratching your head install the CF, you won't regret it.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 23:04:16 #13 |
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    damian - 14 hours ago  » 

    you can't create folders so organising kids films, documentaries, comedy, music, gardening and you name it etc. etc. isn't possible so top level will become a mess.
    Assuming the NAS is available to all devices I'd be thinking about archiving to that rather than using external usb locally. The humaxes should be able to playback suitable content from the NAS.
    The 10% offer is a good deal...

    Stunned that it can do folders but won't let the user make their own. Seems dumb to me. I thought technology was meant to go forwards..
    The NAS is only for PC data and Sonos (music) stuff for the foreseeable future; the ExtX driver on the PC thing was me ensuring I could read the native discs if all else failed. Maybe way down the line...
    Will prob go for the 10% off 2TB FVP_4000T voucher for short-term simplicity, but will look at the other stuff too.
    Is there somewhere to download the user manual?
    Another related query: if the HDR-FOX-T2 dies, would a straight replacement be able to see all the offboard USB content or just the SD?

    | Thu 12 Jan 2017 13:35:02 #14 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    windbag - 4 minutes ago  » 

    damian - 14 hours ago  » 

    you can't create folders so organising kids films, documentaries, comedy, music, gardening and you name it etc. etc. isn't possible so top level will become a mess.
    Assuming the NAS is available to all devices I'd be thinking about archiving to that rather than using external usb locally. The humaxes should be able to playback suitable content from the NAS.
    The 10% offer is a good deal...

    Stunned that it can do folders but won't let the user make their own. Seems dumb to me. I thought technology was meant to go forwards..
    The NAS is only for PC data and Sonos (music) stuff for the foreseeable future; the ExtX driver on the PC thing was me ensuring I could read the native discs if all else failed. Maybe way down the line...
    Will prob go for the 10% off 2TB FVP_4000T voucher for short-term simplicity, but will look at the other stuff too.
    Is there somewhere to download the user manual?
    Another related query: if the HDR-FOX-T2 dies, would a straight replacement be able to see all the offboard USB content or just the SD?

    Have a look at the Custom Firmware add on. We can't discuss accessing encrypted content here.

    | Thu 12 Jan 2017 13:40:56 #15 |
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    damian » 

    Have a look at the Custom Firmware add on. We can't discuss accessing encrypted content here.

    Could be a while; I have a mountain of stuff on.

    | Thu 12 Jan 2017 13:53:24 #16 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    windbag - 3 hours ago  » 

    damian - 14 hours ago  » 

    Another related query: if the HDR-FOX-T2 dies, would a straight replacement be able to see all the offboard USB content or just the SD?

    Just the SD unless you...

    | Thu 12 Jan 2017 17:24:56 #17 |

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