My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Pause. Not working

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    Joined: Feb '23
    Posts: 12


    Hello all

    I’m getting this “ function doesn’t work whilst retrieving date for time shift - try in a few sec “

    Is this a serious issue ?


    | Wed 15 Feb 2023 22:43:46 #1 |
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    That is a normal response for about 1 minute after you change channels. If it is happening after that then you would seem to have a problem.

    | Wed 15 Feb 2023 23:06:55 #2 |
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    Record doesn’t work either - it schedules but I can play nothing back. Done a hdd test and it was ok

    What sort of problem can it be ?

    | Wed 15 Feb 2023 23:53:41 #3 |
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    If you schedule a recording, what happens on screen (if anything) when the time comes for that recording to take place?

    PS Problems can often be solved by switching the box off to standby and after a few minutes unplugging the mains supply to it for a few minutes. When you plug it back in, it will reboot and may be better.

    | Thu 16 Feb 2023 0:54:52 #4 |
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    Nothing happens on the screen, when I go into the recording it looks like a broken film reel and when I select play it does nothing a part from a black screen - looks like it simply don’t record a thing

    Just bought the device from eBay was almost new apparently

    | Thu 16 Feb 2023 9:33:29 #5 |
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    Looks like this record wise

    | Thu 16 Feb 2023 11:43:34 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Italiandave - 4 hours ago  » 
    Nothing happens on the screen, when I go into the recording it looks like a broken film reel and when I select play it does nothing a part from a black screen - looks like it simply don’t record a thing
    Just bought the device from eBay was almost new apparently

    To me it seems highly likely to be a hard drive problem. If you have a right to return then I would suggest sending it back.

    | Thu 16 Feb 2023 13:48:52 #7 |
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    Have you tried unplugging from the mains supply?

    | Thu 16 Feb 2023 16:30:45 #8 |
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    Yeah - it so annoying it says recorded but it’s a picture of a broken video tape - what does that mean?

    Can’t be this hard to record must be broken?

    I’ve done a full reset too

    | Thu 16 Feb 2023 17:58:16 #9 |
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    Hmm. I can only guess that it was on eBay for a reason.

    | Thu 16 Feb 2023 18:02:32 #10 |

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