For a while now I've been getting sound & picture breakup witth some recorded programmes - a sort of fast-forward. If I stop the playback, reverse and then play again it's usually OK. Irritating but I can live with it if I have to.
However, for the last couple of days I've been having problems with the sound whilst watching live TV through the AV. I'd lose the sound, change channels back & forth a few times and it comes back. No problem if I use the aerial input.
Final straw - I missed the last episode of the Pallisers (I know, I know). I had it on series record and apart from one other episode which didn't get recorded, the final episode got replaced with some rubbish game show.
Has my Humax finally reached the end? I did replace the hard drive a couple of years ago, but wonder if it's worth doing again?
Thanks for any help.