Hi Humax people (but especially tech savvy geniae)
I was recently given a FoxSat HDR 500. It was bought in September 2013. A month before the guarantee ran out I had a problem with receiving and viewing a signal. Sent the machine back and have had it back 2 weeks.
Since getting the box back super reception and viewing. However, when I play back a recorded film I get the error message, "Channel scrambled or unavailable" Playback starts and then after some minutes (variable) either the message comes up or playback freezes.
Steps I have taken
Contacted Humax technical support who told me to reset machine and then later do a HDD format. Did both of these with no improvement. Latest statement from them is, "The hard drive is likely corrupted then, and it would appear we didn't get to it in time. It happens when a recording fails and then is no longer recognised by the unit, but proceeds to cause hang up issues and future failed recordings and live interference." Should send back.
Read and searched in forum on HDD errors and solutions.
Current thinking requiring help
Should I remove hard drive and attach to laptop and reformat? Help needed/links on doing this.
Should I buy a new one? If so what (larger disk, make and model)?
What steps to install new drive?
Thank you for any help or pointers to info. I may have missed.