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Playing FVP4000T files on an FVP5000T

(24 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    GrahamRHK - 2 hours ago  » 

    The server doesn't do the decryption it passes the required key to the client allowing viewing of the encrypted stream.

    Thank you for that succinct explanation of how DTCP works over DLNA - Graham T.. So are there any flavours of the custom software for FOX-T2 that enable DTCP functionality? I have trawled the HummyTV forum in all its detail but missed any obvious detail in this respect. I would be very interested to know.

    You don't need any custom firmware for a pair of HDR-FOX-T2's to view each others recordings when both are connected to the same network. HD and SD recordings on either box can be viewed on the other using the standard Humax Firmware.

    Check your PM's

    | Tue 30 Jul 2019 13:58:38 #21 |
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    You don't need any custom firmware for a pair of HDR-FOX-T2's to view each others recordings when both are connected to the same network. HD and SD recordings on either box can be viewed on the other using the standard Humax Firmware.

    Thank you Graham T. In fact I have an HD FOX-T2 - using USB disk to record. Is the HD FOX-T2 DTCP compliant - and can one play HD recordings from a HDR on a HD? If so then I can only assume that the encryption schemes differ between the older generation boxes and the newer ones as I can play SD files from FVP to HD FOX but not HD as noted elsewhere.

    | Wed 31 Jul 2019 10:01:26 #22 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    GrahamRHK - 3 hours ago  » 
    In fact I have an HD FOX-T2 - using USB disk to record. Is the HD FOX-T2 DTCP compliant - and can one play HD recordings from a HDR on a HD?

    Yes you can.

    If so then I can only assume that the encryption schemes differ between the older generation boxes and the newer ones as I can play SD files from FVP to HD FOX but not HD as noted elsewhere.

    My guess is that it is a difference in the DCTP versions.

    | Wed 31 Jul 2019 13:30:31 #23 |
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    Joined: Jul '16
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    I have just had my 4000 die, and I had a load of films copied to an external HDD. I've got a new replacement 5000, and am rather disappointed to find that all the HD rather than SD films I have on the disc won't now play on the new machine. I presume from the above discussion there's no way round this?

    | Mon 2 Sep 2019 22:37:56 #24 |

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