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Playing Recorded Programmmes in the 5000T

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    Having used the 5000T for several days I have to say that I'm a little frustrated with the way it handles the playback of recorded programmes.

    On my PVR9150T I pressed a single button on the remote and a transparent list of recorded programmes would appear onscreen.

    Each programme was clearly marked with the date and time of recording. I highlighted a programme and at the press of a single button it would play from the beginning or automatically resume play from the last position. Or I could press another button to delete the programme. The entire process took less than two seconds.

    But the 5000T is a very different proposition.

    If I want to play a recorded programme in the 5000T the first step is to press the "Recordings" button on the remote - which only works about half of the time, and then only after several presses.

    So usually, I just press the remote's "FreeviewPlay" button, scroll along to the "Recordings" option and press the "OK" button to get to where the "Recordings" button should have taken me. Only then can I see the list of recorded programmes and with either method it takes about three seconds for that to happen. It appeared instantaneously in the PVR9150T.

    The list has no information about the time of any recording, so if I'm following a breaking news story I might see half-a-dozen recordings simply labelled "Sky News". Only by highlighting an individual programme and pressing "OK" yet again can I see the time it was recorded (but that's easily forgotten when I return to the list of many identically labelled programmes).

    Now, you might suppose that having finally identified and highlighted the programme I want to watch, all that remains is to press the "OK" button one last time in order to actually play the selection.

    You would be mistaken.

    All that pressing the "OK" button does is bring up yet another dialogue box inquiring whether I want to "play this programme", "delete this program" or (if it's part of series) "Cancel whole series".

    Only when one of these options is selected and the "OK" button pressed again will the programme finally play - unless I happen to have to already watched some of it, in which case pressing "OK" will bring up yet another multiple-choice quiz: "Do you want to watch this programme from where you left off?", "Watch from the beginning?".

    And if you happen to click on a programme that's in the process of being recorded you're presented with an even more bewildering array of choices:

    - Play This Programme
    - Watch Live TV
    - Stop Recording

    If I wanted to watch live TV or stop a recording why would I be wasting time in the "Recordings" section's maze of dialogues instead of simply playing the channel or pressing the remote's "Stop" button to terminate the recording?

    It must also be said that the menus in the "Recordings" section are pretty sluggish - a fact of which Humax is presumably well aware as an extraordinary message imploring the user to "Please Wait" appears when he clicks on any option. Whoever heard of such a thing in a PVR? I half expected the box to emit a tinny blast of Mozart or Vivaldi to soothe me while I waited for a menu to appear.

    I wish that Humax had focused their energies on streamlining the playback process rather than on creating a message to apologise for its slowness.

    To add to the general user-unfriendliness of the "Recordings" section, in contrast with the PVR9150T's recorded programme list the 5000T's doesn't cycle. You can't jump from the top to the bottom with a single press of the "up" arrow button and vice versa.

    When you reach the top of the list you come to an abrupt halt. Scrolling back to the bottom is a jerky process that takes a full 17 seconds with the 27 entries that I have in the recorded programme list. This a very frustrating waste of time when you go to the list wanting to play one of the older recordings.

    The sad thing is that with the PVR9150T Humax have already demonstrated that they're more than capable of designing a PVR that can select and play any recorded program in less than three seconds with only two mouse-clicks.

    The 5000T requires at least twice as many and it takes a minimum of 13 seconds after pressing the "Recordings" button (when it works first time) before the file actually starts to play (I just timed it with an online stop watch to make sure that I'm not exaggerating).

    In fairness I should point out that these disadvantages are likely to be of less consequence to users who just want to record and watch a few full-length programmes every day rather than whizz back and forth through a dozen short news bulletins every few hours. Nor do they detract from the many excellent features of the 5000T which I praised in an earlier post.

    It would very easy to return my 5000T to Argos on some pretext and get a full refund but I won't be doing that as notwithstanding the above, I don't regret the purchase in the least.

    The bottom line is that the 5000T is still an excellent PVR in every other way and it flawlessly records every programme in superb HD. And the ability to record four channels at once is of great use to me and very much appreciated.

    I only mention these deficiencies in the hope that Humax will address them and implement a simple two-click "select and play" option for recorded programmes without requiring the user to respond to multiple irrelevant dialogues when he simply wishes to play a file, which is, after all, what most of us purchase a PVR to do.

    More complex playback and recording options that are seldom required should be accessed through separate menus and dialogues and not interfere with the speed and simplicity of playing back a recorded programme.

    | Tue 14 Nov 2017 16:31:55 #1 |
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    I can only imagine that there is something interfering with your remote command's as On ours the recording button works on the first press every time without fail, this is after a months usage.

    | Tue 14 Nov 2017 17:12:14 #2 |
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    I know what you mean Marius.You need to perform twice the button pressing on 5000t as I did on my old'fox t2',plus there was a perfect freeze frame,and even slow motion,a one button 'skip',and one button schedule,one button press to find the seven day EPG. Humax should have based all its future models on the T2 and continually updated it.

    | Tue 14 Nov 2017 18:03:24 #3 |
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    Marius, your experience matches my own. The way I overcome the main clankyness of it is to use it as a sort of bulk recorder and not also as a live tv viewer. For that I use my BT box, and go into to 5000t late at night for watching some of the stuff recorded. In other words I reduce my exposure to it to an absolute minimum.

    I'm also finding the lag or refusal to respond to RC commands frustrating and feel that the over-rich menu options are tiresome. I wonder whether the slow responsiveness might be due to the installed processing power not keeping up with the enormous disks being installed. Perhaps it doesn't have adequate processing power and memory to quickly build directories.

    The sentiments behind the box are spot on. I've been waiting for a non-self-build multi channel recorder for years. But the GUI isn't up to the box's philosophy. It doesn't feel like it has had sufficient beta-tester scrutiny and feedback. Perhaps Humax feel they know enough to release boxes without the need for adequate beta testing with a tame customer panel. I feel that this is where Youview is strong.

    | Tue 14 Nov 2017 18:25:25 #4 |
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    uk1 - 21 hours ago  » I wonder whether the slow responsiveness might be due to the installed processing power not keeping up with the enormous disks being installed. Perhaps it doesn't have adequate processing power and memory to quickly build directories.

    There's no doubt that the 5000T would have benefited from more processing power and/or memory.

    I suppose Humax wanted to keep the price down and stay competitive. I'd be quite happy paying double the current price for a 5000T that's fast and user-friendly but I guess I'm in the minority. Even so, all is not lost.

    The 5000T's biggest problem is not that it's underpowered. It's the sluggishness of the "Recorded Programmes" menu and the absurd multiple-choice dialogues that pop up endlessly when one simply wants to play a recorded programme.

    Both problems could be fixed without upgrading the hardware. As a matter of urgency, the "Recorded Programmes" menu should be made to cycle if possible. It currently takes 30 seconds from pressing the "Recordings" button (when it works first time), before the oldest recordings can be played (based on a list population of 27 recorded programmes). That's way too long.

    The other essential modification is a simplified "Recorded Programmes" menu which would instantly appear when the remote's "Recordings" button was pressed. It need have no option-rich dialogue boxes. It would simply play any file that was highlighted and clicked, automatically resuming from the last position if some of the programme had already been watched.

    In the vast majority of cases one wants to resume watching a programme from the point previously reached and on the few occasions when one wants to rewatch the entire file it can easily be returned to the beginning with the remote. There's absolutely no reason to inconvenience users with a dialogue inquiring whether they want to "Watch this programme from where you left off?", or, "Watch from the beginning?" every time they want to play a file.

    Given how obvious this is, like you, I wonder if Humax did any Beta-testing at all?

    Still, it's not too late to fix these problems with an update. The 5000T has many excellent features and if these deficiencies can be remedied it will easily be the best PVR on the market and should sell like hotcakes.

    | Wed 15 Nov 2017 16:21:56 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Comparing the Freeview play models - FVP 4000/5000T with earlier models, especially SD only models is to be honest ridiculous.

    Using page up/down can speed up browsing of recordings list - I have 139 items in my list and it has taken just under 20 seconds to play the last and therefore oldest.

    | Wed 15 Nov 2017 16:50:57 #6 |
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    Your issues with the menus might be less of an issue of the box was simply faster and more responsive. It is also a shame that more of the menu processes don't have options to turn them off within settings. On the whole I'm happier with the box now that I use it more as a recording factory rather than a primary box that I also use as a live viewer.

    There are a few things I like that makes it better than Youview. I like that it offers alternatives when wishing to add a programme for recording when it is full at that time. The offer to reschedule recordings so that they can all be recorded is good, although I'd like to have a setting that automatically ignores and doesn't include signed programme alternatives. That complex set of alternative broadcast options is extremely valuable as it saves a lot of manual searching. It is very good.

    I also like that when in guide viewer moving to the top of the screen does not add a further line above the current selected line although I wish when you are on the top line moving up a line that it would just add a single line rather than seven new lines. It sort of duplicates paging up. So it is better than Youview in one way and not quite as good at the same time.

    I don't buy the pricing / cost issue of a more meaty processor or memory or whatever is causing the sluggishness. At this level it would be peanuts and would elevate the box. I'm wondering how fast the box would be to use when a 1000 hours and 2TB are on the list.

    On the whole it is a perfectly functional extremely good value box that has a few quirks but the functions and recording storage and extra channel capacity makes it a winner and I certainly would recommend it to others. Although the 2tb is the one to buy .....

    | Wed 15 Nov 2017 17:21:20 #7 |
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    Barry - 2 hours ago  » 
    Comparing the Freeview play models - FVP 4000/5000T with earlier models, especially SD only models is to be honest ridiculous.

    Ridiculous or not, if you spend a few hours browsing consumer electronic forums you'll discover that comparing new product models with old is one of the main activities.

    There would be little point in buying new models of anything if the new features didn't outweigh the disadvantages. That's what comparisons are intended to establish.

    Barry - 2 hours ago  » Using page up/down can speed up browsing of recordings list - I have 139 items in my list and it has taken just under 20 seconds to play the last and therefore oldest.

    Yes, that helps, thanks.

    uk1 - 2 hours ago  » On the whole it is a perfectly functional extremely good value box that has a few quirks but the functions and recording storage and extra channel capacity makes it a winner and I certainly would recommend it to others. Although the 2tb is the one to buy .....

    I agree with your overall assessment and I'm also "wondering how fast the box would be to use when a 1000 hours and 2TB are on the list".

    If the dialogue boxes are fixed and the 2TB reviews are okay I'll certainly buy a 2TB box and keep this one as a spare.

    | Wed 15 Nov 2017 19:57:06 #8 |
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    I agree with you Marious,the 4000t was a mistake [read the comments on Amazon].I have also found that using the 'Fox t2' remote works very well with the '5000t',particularly when using the Right and Left cursor to 'Skip'.The 5000t remote has a few gremlins sometimes. As I mainly use the 5000t for recording and watching programmes, and not for live TV,I use the Skip button all the time.I still believe though that Humax make the best recorders.

    | Thu 16 Nov 2017 10:16:51 #9 |
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    I agree with Barry.
    People are trying to compare the older models that used an old platform.
    There is no comparative that connects the 2 different systems like youview.
    On the point of the rich menu. If you are the only person who wants to watch a recording then yes you don't want the option to watch from a particular point, or start. When there's more than one person in the family who wants to watch This option is essential .
    No wonder if your going through the freeview play button each time it's frustrating you as your going through the whole machines menu.
    As i posted before, If your recordings button isn't working every time
    There must be some other reason for the interference of the command, possibly electrical.
    So finally on this matter, all the options that your not happy with are very much needed by Many other users of this box.
    On the whole this box gives the user every choice that most of us want and indeed use.
    and for this the so called drag that's been mentioned is very minimal to say the least.

    | Thu 16 Nov 2017 10:21:38 #10 |

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