My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Playing Recorded Programmmes in the 5000T

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    John1, it is unwise to speak about the delay or drag on other users boxes because the model you have on your particular model is acceptable to you. There is several seconds sometimes over ten seconds on some of the menus. That is long for most users.

    | Thu 16 Nov 2017 15:08:42 #11 |
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    john1 - 4 hours ago  » 
    I agree with Barry.
    People are trying to compare the older models that used an old platform.
    There is no comparative that connects the 2 different systems like youview.

    I'm not sure what the sentence:

    "There is no comparative that connects the 2 different systems like youview".

    is supposed to mean, but if it means that you can't compare YouView to FreeView, I haven't done so.

    The Humax PVR9150T is a FreeView PVR, albeit SD.

    And comparing new models to old is exactly how most of us measure progress - or its absence.

    john1 - 4 hours ago  » On the point of the rich menu. If you are the only person who wants to watch a recording then yes you don't want the option to watch from a particular point, or start. When there's more than one person in the family who wants to watch This option is essential .

    Is there some reason why you can't press a button on the remote to return a programme to the beginning? No? Then the option's obviously not "essential". You may find it useful but that's another matter entirely.

    john1 - 4 hours ago  » As i posted before, If your recordings button isn't working every time there must be some other reason for the interference of the command, possibly electrical.

    Of course! Why, it couldn't possibly be that the RC is faulty or unresponsive, could it?

    Now, I know you love Humax and will hear nothing against them. I do too, as it happens.

    But the fact remains that Humax has form when it comes to dodgy remotes and Googling:

    humax "remote control" broken

    gets you no fewer than 26,800 results.

    I was well aware of those problems when I bought the 5000T but I assumed they'd be fixed by now. Besides, I pay little attention to Amazon reviews as there are dozens rubbishing Humax's PVR9150T, which, as I know from my own experience is a first-rate, super-reliable PVR.

    But last night the 5000T's "Recordings" button wouldn't work at all and worse still the "FreeviewPlay" button wouldn't work either. That happened twice for about 15 minutes each time, although the "FreeviewPlay" button is working now. Still, it hardly inspires confidence.

    I have a plethora of BluRay players, HiFi separates and other electronic devices which all respond perfectly to their remotes so I don't place much credence on your "electrical interference" hypothesis.

    john1 - 4 hours ago  » On the whole this box gives the user every choice that most of us want and indeed use.

    I'm sorry, but so far as I know, no one has elected you spokesman for "most" Humax users. Your opinion is yours alone and of no more or less value than anyone else's.

    | Thu 16 Nov 2017 15:15:45 #12 |
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    I do apologise. I thought you were discussing the FVP5000t which is the model that I have. And yes a 1 to 2 second delay is acceptable to me.
    If you really think that I'm unwise to give an opinion on the box I have then there is definitely something wrong at your end.
    Obviously, you haven't grasped the whole idea of this forum which is to help each other that are having problems.
    Not just to slag it off . Also just banging on about obsolete models that
    are no longer in production.
    Perhaps if you had bothered to check the specs and user guide, just to see
    what and how it works JUST maybe you may understand the system better.

    | Thu 16 Nov 2017 15:28:55 #13 |
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    john1 - 4 hours ago  » Perhaps if you had bothered to check the specs and user guide, just to see what and how it works JUST maybe you may understand the system better.

    I'd certainly understand your posts better if you'd learn how to use the quotation function properly. I'm sorry but I have no idea what or even who much of your post is addressing.

    john1 - 4 hours ago  » If you really think that I'm unwise to give an opinion on the box I have then there is definitely something wrong at your end.

    I don't think anyone has said that you're "unwise to give an opinion" so long as you understand that it is your opinion and don't pretend to speak on behalf of "most" Humax users whose opinions you have no way of canvassing.

    I agree that the "the whole idea of this forum is to help each other" but as uk1 has pointed out, there's nothing remotely helpful about some of your responses that seek only to minimize other users' problems rather than offer any solutions.

    Users who complain about drag don't want to be told that, "the so called drag that's been mentioned is very minimal to say the least". You have no idea how much drag they're experiencing as machines can vary and your offhand dismissal of their concerns is the nearest I've seen to "slagging off" in this otherwise very friendly and helpful forum.

    | Thu 16 Nov 2017 20:29:41 #14 |
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    I Like you can only give your own experiences.
    and the possible situations of other members, who like me, find the menus very useful.
    I gave an idea about possible interference on the commands from the remote.
    When someone decides to say it is unwise to make a comment .
    That is not acceptable.
    Indeed I have offered an idea on a couple of times in my earlier posts.
    But they were before you joined this forum, so you wouldn't know about them.

    | Fri 17 Nov 2017 8:38:49 #15 |
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    Several people on the threads agreed with Marius's observations and tbh your post seems to be doing exactly what you are complaining others are doing but are not. You are knocking other people's opinions. You also seemed to be presuming people do not know what they are talking about by presuming a lack of product knowledge. None of this is helpful to anyone.

    | Fri 17 Nov 2017 10:35:37 #16 |
  7. Barry


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    John your contributions to the Forum especially as a new owner of the 5000T are most welcome.

    and for everyone else....

    The sniping will stop now, if not I will close thread.

    | Fri 17 Nov 2017 12:09:18 #17 |
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    Thank you Barry.

    | Fri 17 Nov 2017 15:19:29 #18 |

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