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Poor picture quality & how to erase memory?

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    Hi. GM's brother bought us a refurbed 4000T box. Gf wanted for ages. I connected it up correctly as far,as I know, but there are a few problems. Firstly there is slight ghosting on the picture. Not terrible but it wasn't like that before. Occasionally picture goes off totally and No Network Detected message,comes up. Plusnet's problem? Possibly? Anyway Secondly, On Demand never loads up. It thinks about it but never succeeds. Thirdly the memory says that it is 95% full for some reason, so we'd love to know how to delete that and be able to record what WE want. Would really appreciate any help. We are definitely NOT tecchies. Thanks

    | Sun 1 Mar 2020 13:29:15 #1 |
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    If you are talking about the percentage in the top right of the screen on some pages, I understand that refers to % remaining, not used. So if it says 95% then you have 5% used.

    Edit: Sorry, ignore the above.
    I think you are talking about something else, the display I mentioned is in hours not percentage.

    | Sun 1 Mar 2020 13:34:07 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    The quickest way to delete everything is to do a factory reset with the disk format option selected.

    Press the button marked recordings at the top of the box. With Programme highlighted in blue press right. At the top is a pie chart. The yellow bit is the used space. You should see a lot of series recording programmes with number in the folder indicated. To delete the complete folder Select it by pressing OK Press + and OK on delete. Confirm the delete. To delete or play individual recordings in a series folder click OK to open it. Highlight a recording press OK. Select the date of the recording you want to view or delete. Press OK Choose play or delete.

    To set a recording press guide. To move quickly to a channel tap in the channel number. eg 101 gets you BBC1 - HD Highlight a programme and press OK follow the on screen prompts to record the whole series or just the programme.

    To get a different day within the 7 day reach of the epg. Press + and choose jump to date.

    | Sun 1 Mar 2020 13:47:06 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    What channel are you using to look at the picture quality ? What TV are you using to view the output on ?

    | Sun 1 Mar 2020 15:28:17 #4 |
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    Thank you for your responses. Much appreciated. The ghosting is intermittent which makes me think it's a reception thing. Was watching channel 4. I'm using an hdmi cable from box to tv. I assume that's the best way. TV is Panasonic Viera. Anyway I managed to reset the memory by Delete All in Recordings menu. I had assumed she'd tried all that and it was something hard. Unfortunately now the HOME button has stopped working. Any ideas?

    | Sun 1 Mar 2020 15:47:36 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Mattspencer74 - 2 mins ago  » 
    Thank you for your responses. Much appreciated. The ghosting is intermittent which makes me think it's a reception thing. Was watching channel 4. I'm using an hdmi cable from box to tv. I assume that's the best way. TV is Panasonic Viera. Anyway I managed to reset the memory by Delete All in Recordings menu. I had assumed she'd tried all that and it was something hard. Unfortunately now the HOME button has stopped working. Any ideas?

    By far the best pictures are from the HD channels (104).

    You are confusing Hard disk space with memory. The box does have some memory the computer chip that makes it work uses it. Recordings are saved to the hard disk. The number you can have is determined by the HDD size.

    Digital TV pictures don't have ghosting issues. This would appear to be a TV fault. Do you have another TV to try it on. Make and model of TV would help ?

    Try removing the batteries from the remote and pressing a few buttons replace them.

    Without this button hard to check what software version you have on the box.

    | Sun 1 Mar 2020 15:56:19 #6 |

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