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Press OK Button to enter a search word

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    I am puzzled as to the requirement of having to press the OK button to enter a search word(s) after first pressing the search button. I don't believe there is any other function available after pressing the Search button so we are being forced to press another button for no apparent reason.

    | Fri 2 Sep 2016 11:24:44 #1 |
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    The picture in the user guide implies otherwise.

    What I was expecting is that you can press the search button on while watching live TV, paying back a recorded programme or on the TV guide. Then the search screen will be displayed with the search box at the top, the results of searching for the watched progamme (or guide entry) below, and to the left of that a left arrow to access the related catch-up programmes. If you were already in the search box then the left arrow would not work.

    Or doesn't it work like that? The Australian version appears to but perhaps Humax left in the Australian image by accident when they created the UK user guide from the Australian version of the user guide.

    | Fri 2 Sep 2016 16:42:01 #2 |
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    Luke - 36 minutes ago  » 
    The picture in the user guide implies otherwise.
    What I was expecting is that you can press the search button on while watching live TV, paying back a recorded programme or on the TV guide. Then the search screen will be displayed with the search box at the top, the results of searching for the watched progamme (or guide entry) below, and to the left of that a left arrow to access the related catch-up programmes. If you were already in the search box then the left arrow would not work.
    Or doesn't it work like that? The Australian version appears to but perhaps Humax left in the Australian image by accident when they created the UK user guide from the Australian version of the user guide.

    Unfortunately no it doesn't work like that on my box anyway. It doesn't appear to work differently whether you're watching live TV, a recorded programme or in the tv guide.

    | Fri 2 Sep 2016 17:22:39 #3 |
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    J_Oz - 1 hour ago  » 
    Unfortunately no it doesn't work like that on my box anyway. It doesn't appear to work differently whether you're watching live TV, a recorded programme or in the tv guide.

    In that case then what I suspect is that for some reason the functionality of the Australian version did not transport very well to the UK version and Humax decided that removing some of the functionality was the solution but they didn't tidy everything up.

    Just to confirm, so if you press the search button while watching live TV it doesn't display related programmes?

    | Fri 2 Sep 2016 19:12:28 #4 |
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    Luke - 22 minutes ago  » 

    J_Oz - 1 hour ago  » 
    Unfortunately no it doesn't work like that on my box anyway. It doesn't appear to work differently whether you're watching live TV, a recorded programme or in the tv guide.

    In that case then what I suspect is that for some reason the functionality of the Australian version did not transport very well to the UK version and Humax decided that removing some of the functionality was the solution but they didn't tidy everything up.
    Just to confirm, so if you press the search button while watching live TV it doesn't display related programmes?

    No, all it displays is a box with "Press'OK'to enter a keyword
    After pressing OK it brings up an on screen keyboard which is what I'd expect after just pressing the search button.

    | Fri 2 Sep 2016 19:39:05 #5 |
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    Yes, the second prees seems unnecessary.

    I've fed this back to Humax. The more people who feedback no doubt the more chance of gettings things imrpoved.

    | Sat 3 Sep 2016 11:02:30 #6 |
  7. gomezz


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    On my older Foxsat HDR model there is the facility to re-use a previously entered search term rather than enter a new search term so I presume this is what is missing from this model and makes the key sequence unnecessarily unwieldy?

    Sadly, previously entered search terms are lost when the box is put into standby so not at useful as it could be.

    | Sat 3 Sep 2016 11:40:53 #7 |
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    giverny - 50 minutes ago  » 
    Yes, the second prees seems unnecessary.
    I've fed this back to Humax. The more people who feedback no doubt the more chance of gettings things imrpoved.

    Reported it to Humax today. It just seems odd behavior.

    | Sat 3 Sep 2016 11:54:03 #8 |
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    gomezz - 1 hour ago  » 
    On my older Foxsat HDR model there is the facility to re-use a previously entered search term rather than enter a new search term so I presume this is what is missing from this model and makes the key sequence unnecessarily unwieldy?
    Sadly, previously entered search terms are lost when the box is put into standby so not at useful as it could be.

    Comparing the HMS-1000T user guide with the FVP-4000T's user guide suggests that is not the cause.

    What is missing in the UK version is the 'related' search described in post #2. For what ever reason Humax did not include related search in the FVP-4000T and then failed to fully adjust for its absence as described by post #1.
    To quote the HMS-1000T manual:

    You can search episodes of your favourite programmes and look up related programmes by a simple button press. This feature is available while watching live TV, playing back a recorded programme or on TV Guide.
    • Press the SEARCH button. Related programmes are listed.
    • For more search, enter a keyword.

    | Sat 3 Sep 2016 13:28:56 #9 |
  10. Stephenesque


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    Luke - 19 hours ago  » 
    To quote the HMS-1000T manual:

    You can search episodes of your favourite programmes and look up related programmes by a simple button press. This feature is available while watching live TV, playing back a recorded programme or on TV Guide.
    • Press the SEARCH button. Related programmes are listed.
    • For more search, enter a keyword.

    That sounds wonderful...if only it worked that way.

    | Sun 4 Sep 2016 9:19:02 #10 |

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