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Price drop for both models - Humax Direct

(5 posts)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
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    Both the 1TB and 2TB have been reduced in price by £30.00

    1TB now £219
    2TB now £249

    | Sat 14 Aug 2021 17:01:02 #1 |
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    special member
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    I got mine for £219 yesterday on amazon
    I wondered if they would be all the returns lol

    | Sat 14 Aug 2021 18:55:50 #2 |
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    junior member
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    Damn, I waited almost a month for a deal to come up and eventually gave up waiting, bought at £280 a couple weeks ago. Typical, haha

    | Tue 17 Aug 2021 19:23:33 #3 |
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    new member
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    Typical now I've actually decided I want one of these the prices are back to previous. Still shows £249 for 2TB on John Lewis but out of stock and I suspect it will be £279 when back in again.

    Does anyone know if Currys had the 2TB model for £249 when on offer as I can get 8% off at Currys through a work scheme.

    Don't know whether to wait as it would be about £257 with the 8% discount but if it were £249 and then I could get the 8%....

    | Thu 16 Sep 2021 13:36:39 #4 |
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    junior member
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    I quick Google reveals that Wellingtons Home Electrical and other members of the Euronics group are still selling the 2TB model for £249 with free delivery. Wellingtons has a 4.9 (excellent) rating on TrustPilot.

    If you want to buy direct from Humax, there is/was a code HIFIVE that gives you 5% off. If you visit the Humax site you should see a popup window that tells you they will send you the code when you register with them.

    | Thu 16 Sep 2021 16:24:46 #5 |

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