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Privacy policy

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    Great, the upload feature of this forum doesn't work. Here's a link instead:

    Humax privacy policy

    | Thu 18 Oct 2018 14:21:54 #11 |
  2. Stephenesque


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    lancasm - 1 day ago  » 
    This is a very interesting discussion, and there are quite a number of different points of view, but it's moved away from the original question quite a bit.
    Since my decision not to agree to the privacy policy, the device no longer works in the way it did when I purchased it. In effect it has been damaged by a software update from Humax and I'd like to know if the company intends to put it right. By that I mean to update the missing apps with versions that do not feed back the information described in the privacy policy so that customers who have paid for their use can continue to use them.
    The current "agree to the policy or we'll remove them" approach seems pretty unreasonable to me.
    If Humax do not intend to put it right, will it buy the device back from me for the original purchase price?
    For anyone who's interested, the full text of the privacy policy is attached. The last part of it, under the heading "**Please note that**" is a bit unusual and I'm not completely sure what it's about. It seems to be saying that Humax are unable to publish the text of the privacy policy "for some reason" but it gives no information about what that reason might be. I doubt it's technical as it would be very easy to post a link to the document on the Humax web site.
    Over to you Humax.

    You are asking questions on this forum that should be addressed directly to Humax as only they can answer them.
    Members on here will, of course answer questions where this is possible, but no-one on other than Humax could possibly answer something like "In effect it has been damaged by a software update from Humax and I'd like to know if the company intends to put it right"

    | Fri 19 Oct 2018 15:03:26 #12 |
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    I'd assumed that Humax would take a keen interest in what is being said about its products in a forum called "MyHumax" and be willing to respond to questions raised by its customers.

    | Fri 19 Oct 2018 16:45:54 #13 |
  4. Stephenesque


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    I'm afraid not, this is a completely independent community forum and has no official connection to Humax.

    In the years that I have been a member I have never been aware of anyone from Humax being a member or ever contributing to the forum.

    Barry, the founder of this forum, did have contacts within Humax and he often reported bugs to them if they appeared to be a widespread problem affecting a number of people. Sadly even that connection has been lost as Barry has recently retired from the forum.

    The advice given to those who have a problem which can't be answered by another member or doesn't appear to be affecting anyone else has always been to contact Humax directly.

    | Fri 19 Oct 2018 17:02:56 #14 |
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    I have noticed that there is another Humax based forum, at I have not looked at it much, but I wonder if it has any greater company interest than this one.

    | Fri 19 Oct 2018 17:43:16 #15 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    A1944 - 36 minutes ago  » 
    I have not looked at it much, but I wonder if it has any greater company interest than this one.

    I would say there is absolutely no Humax involvement at

    | Fri 19 Oct 2018 18:20:27 #16 |
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    Humax completely ignoring user feedback and carrying on regardless is par for the course. By all means try.

    | Fri 19 Oct 2018 18:33:37 #17 |
  8. Kamex


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    I left you a private message, please check.

    | Wed 24 Oct 2018 11:36:16 #18 |

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