My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HB 1000S, 1100S

Problem with Netflix

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    Joined: Sep '24
    Posts: 1


    We've been using Neflix for a few years quite happily using a Humax HB-1000S in our bedroom with a Wi-Fi USB dongle. We recently changed our Netflix plan from what was their basic low cost plan to their new even lower cost plan which now shows adverts. This all works just fine on our living room TV using an Android box, and our Android phones and tablets, and our Windows PC and laptop. However it no longer works using the Humax box. We get the message "Your plan does not support this device." According to the Netflix website this is known about on some devices, but nothing about Humax ones, and the suggestion is to update the device's software. There do not appear to be any updates available for the HB-1000S. The one on the box is UKSFAC 3.01 01 from 2022. Does anyone know of any fix for this problem or if there is any third party software update that works? The inference from Netfix is that we just revert to the more expensive plan, which I rather take exception to. TIA

    | Mon 2 Sep 2024 13:45:19 #1 |

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