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Problems with BBC1-HD series recordings .

(6 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    As some will know I have been testing a Series recording of BBC1-HD on multiple units using the Daily Bargain Hunt programme as the test recording.

    The only unit that is so far working properly is the HDR-1000S.

    Missing some days recordings in the schedule and not flagged in the epg on all the following

    On Foxsat-HDR, FVP-5000T and the Aura box. Not sure how to proceed to report this.

    Any suggestions as to how to proceed ?

    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 9:44:04 #1 |
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    As I mentioned in the other thread, Bargain Hunt is being broadcast as a mixture of different series.
    Are you saying that some of your devices are recording the whole series regardless? If that is the case, when you compare series and episode crid's between "working" and "non working" devices, is there any difference?

    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 10:08:22 #2 |
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    Here's one from C5.

    From the "looking glass" search button, type in "Ben".
    Scroll down to "search by" and press OK and you will get a whole raft of choices including (in the broadcast section) "New:Ben Fogle:New Lives in...", starting tonight.
    After typing "Ben", you will see in the list "Ben Fogle: New Lives In The Wild" and one would expect that scrolling down to and selecting this would work too, but it doesn't, it will only bring up a list of "on demand" episodes.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 11:34:28 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    SSThing - 1 hour ago  » 
    As I mentioned in the other thread, Bargain Hunt is being broadcast as a mixture of different series.
    Are you saying that some of your devices are recording the whole series regardless? If that is the case, when you compare series and episode crid's between "working" and "non working" devices, is there any difference?

    Unable to get into debug mode on HDR-1000S. Can someone check that the usual method using the colour keys with System Info still works

    I have the info for the FVP - 5000T and the two still scheduled on the Foxsat-HDR


    1. Bargain_Hunt_Today_CRID.jpg (26.4 KB, 1 downloads) 4 years old
    2. FVP-5000T-Bargain-Hunt-today-CRID.jpg (130.8 KB, 1 downloads) 4 years old
    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 12:11:41 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Two more files.


    1. Bargain_Hunt_Thursday_CRIDS.jpg (24.5 KB, 0 downloads) 4 years old
    2. Bargain_Hunt_today_Full_details.jpg (58.1 KB, 0 downloads) 4 years old
    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 12:13:18 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


    special member
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    Posts: 14,442


    Last ones. It's looking like the aura has inherited the FVP-5000T crid issues. Documented in 2019


    1. Bargain_Hunt_Thursday_RAW_epg.jpg (62.5 KB, 1 downloads) 4 years old
    2. Bargain_Hunt_Thursday_CRIDS.jpg (24.5 KB, 0 downloads) 4 years old
    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 12:18:00 #6 |

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