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problems with my pvr-9150t requires firmware updat

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    new member
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    Hello Everyone

    I am searching to see if I can still hope to update the Firmware on my
    PVR-9150T is it still possible to be able to get a download file
    or is my machine too old now ?

    | Mon 13 Jul 2015 12:20:09 #1 |
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    See the Wiki

    | Mon 13 Jul 2015 13:07:56 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    SCREENVIEWER200 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Hello Everyone
    I am searching to see if I can still hope to update the Firmware on my
    PVR-9150T is it still possible to be able to get a download file
    or is my machine too old now ?

    You can download the software from Link to Humax beta. I (but I am biased) would suggest using flash9200 for the update which can be downloaded from Link to flash9200. However before you start perhaps you should tell us what software version your box is currently using and why you want to upgrade?

    | Mon 13 Jul 2015 13:50:05 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I understand via PM that the software is significantly out of date so updating would definitely be helpful.

    | Mon 13 Jul 2015 14:21:37 #4 |
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    new member
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    thanks I am awaiting the correct cabling then will attempt it

    | Mon 13 Jul 2015 14:24:58 #5 |
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    new member
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    my thanks to Martin Liddle for his guidance in upgrading the firmware in my humax 9150t.
    afew attempts were made but uploading at slowest speed was successful.
    Also delighted to find that on screen progress bar existed it was easier to check as oposed to the lights flashing.
    The set is much more responsive from the handset having gone from base to the last 2011 upgrades have set it up to record a series with more confidence it will manage to complete the task Peter

    | Mon 3 Aug 2015 11:52:57 #6 |

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