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problems with my remote

(3 posts)
  1. chippychip


    Joined: Nov '17
    Posts: 18


    Hi, I have a Humax DTR -T2000 500GB model, and jujst recently I have been having problems with the remote
    If I want to go back to an earlier moment of a program I'm watching, I press the reverse button ( the two reverse arrows on the remote) and watch th earlier point of the program.
    However, I find while reversing, the "stop" button doesn't work, and nether does the forward button ( the two forward arrows on the remote) and I have to press the "pause" button to stop reversing!
    The rest of the remote works OK, the volume button, the program channel button, the guide and the back button, and the rest, EXCEPT the pause and forward button!
    Is there a way to reset the remote control back to " factory setting"??


    | Thu 16 Jan 2020 21:50:26 #1 |
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    Take the batteries out for about half an hour.
    However, I am more inclined to think you need to take the remote apart and clean the contacts.

    | Sat 18 Jan 2020 17:04:02 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    SSThing - 12 mins ago  » 
    Take the batteries out for about half an hour.

    Quicker to take the batteries out and hold down a key for 10 seconds to drain any residual voltage and then replace the batteries.

    | Sat 18 Jan 2020 17:17:26 #3 |

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