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Protect recordings on 5000T

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    How do I protect recordings on a 5000T from accidental deletion?

    | Tue 22 Sep 2020 15:07:37 #1 |
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    special member
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    As far as I know, you can't, it is a matter of taking care, though at least you always have (I believe) the protection of it being a two stage deletion process.

    One danger is if you want to delete the oldest of a large number of recordings in a series and you fail to scroll right to the top of the left hand panel on the "Recordings" page for the series and delete a later one by mistake.

    | Tue 22 Sep 2020 15:23:50 #2 |
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    special member
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    You can't.
    Actually, you can - but you'd have to put the PIN (default is 0000) in to play the recording as well.
    From your remote try "Recordings", navigate to the recording of interest, click "+" and scroll down to lock - being careful not to settle on delete - press OK. That stops an accidental delete of the file. Not sure if it works if you try to delete multiple files.

    | Tue 22 Sep 2020 15:27:35 #3 |
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    Thank you, clear and it works.

    | Tue 22 Sep 2020 15:37:30 #4 |

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