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PVR 9150T Software Update from PC

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    junior member
    Joined: Dec '11
    Posts: 5


    Hoping to update my mother's 9150T via my PC (she lives a long way away and is unable to do the OTA update and I can't be there at the appropriate times and Auto Update doesn't seem to work).
    In preparation, I have downloaded the appropriate new software file (PVR-9150T_1.00.26) and the download tool (WDN40AK) but can't get it to do anything - when I try to install the download tool, I get the message that the version of the file is not compatible with the version of Windows I'm running (Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit).
    I am not a great "techie" so would really welcome any advice.
    Many thanks for any help.

    | Fri 6 Jan 2012 16:59:41 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,074


    As per mentioned in the pinned thread you might want to try:

    Works with all flavours of windows

    | Fri 6 Jan 2012 17:17:13 #2 |

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