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PVR 9200 recovery problem corruption by Windows 7

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    Attempting recovery of files from pvr9200 with lost index list. 100 GB of files, plus 2 newly recorded files which are indexed. Used humaxrw, humaxcheck and all the tips on blogs over the years. I have established the disk number, 3, and once only I actually got a list of 3 partition identifiers using -p. The Humax partition is clearly corrupted by my failures to stop Windows 7 mounting the drive. During the procedure I put the drive back in the Humax where it worked, but now it only loads the software and can see no drive, so clearly I have clobbered it in the end. If none of the humaxrw and humaxcheck options help (and in case I am missing something, which are the most powerful?) beyond reporting bad or no partition, is reformatting the Humax drive the only future? I can't find Humaxdiag but tried a dd instruction I found for copying the partition data. Hummyreadfiles094 did not help. Everything run as Administrator including command prompt.

    Incidentally, in a post-mortem spirit, Windows 7 insists on installing the drive. Preventing driver download does not help. Uninstalling it has some effect on where it appears, but basically it still has its drivers until the next reboot. Whereupon it insists on reinstalling the drivers it has just removed! Finally after research and since by chance I have W7Professional I found a policy option to stop the installation, but I fear too late for the Humax.

    I would be grateful if any old soldier familiar with this battlefield has any help to offer.

    | Thu 3 Nov 2016 15:59:20 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    PVR9300 - 30 minutes ago  » 
    During the procedure I put the drive back in the Humax where it worked, but now it only loads the software and can see no drive, so clearly I have clobbered it in the end.

    How do you know it worked?

    If none of the humaxrw and humaxcheck options help (and in case I am missing something, which are the most powerful?) beyond reporting bad or no partition, is reformatting the Humax drive the only future?

    Have you tried

    humaxcheck 3: -p -w

    Incidentally, in a post-mortem spirit, Windows 7 insists on installing the drive.

    Installing drivers should not be an issue; it is initialising the drive that is a problem.

    | Thu 3 Nov 2016 16:34:34 #2 |
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    Thanks. Amazing this kind of help is available.
    1)The first time I put the drive back in the Humax out of curiosity it still showed the recently recorded files and all the HDD usage info etc, The second time it loaded the software and asked whether I wanted to format a drive! Only non-HDD options were available.

    2)I thought I did not understand the word initialisation and now I know I don't. When it installed itself normally it could be seen in device manager as working, was not listed in Windows Explorer, and showed up in Paragon BackUp as a drive of the right size with no partition or file system info, as one might expect.
    Is this in fact the uninitialised state I seek? At no point have I been asked to or refused to initialise the drive, but it is clear from putting it back in the Humax that I have at some point made things worse. I think there was a moment when I had dealt with all the other mistakes and actually got a list of 3 partitions with -p I was nearly there and -p -w would have done it (I did not then realise one could combine commands), but now probably not.

    Humaxcheck -n -a -w 3:
    Unknown partition table

    Humaxrw -l -r -n 3:
    Unknown partition table
    Unsupported partition

    Humaxcheck 3: -p -w
    No Humax partition found.
    Partition table not modified, not enough partitions.

    It is a coherent picture. I believe grown-ups can rebuild a basic partition table but that may be a bit challenging for me.

    The drive is currently uninstalled on W7. After I send this I will install it as W7 wishes without any sign of initialisation.

    If this produces new information I will report it.

    | Thu 3 Nov 2016 18:17:01 #3 |
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    Installing the drive again did not change things. I was able to run a dd command with count =8319 which produced a Humax.dat file of 8319 KB with information only at the start.

    It does not cut and paste as I would expect, but after a couple of lines of stuff it says No bootable partition in table. Invalid partition table. Invalid or damaged Bootable partition

    Which about covers it..

    | Thu 3 Nov 2016 20:13:05 #4 |
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    Tried humaxrw -r -n -l again and for some reason it now lists all 94 files and 2 buffers. No info, but the .ts files copy to PC successfully. No telling what I was doing wrong or if this is just a random mood swing, but I can now rescue the files and reformat the drive. Thanks for being around.

    | Sun 6 Nov 2016 20:39:22 #5 |

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