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PVR-9200T autosearch won't save channels

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    Alan Smith

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    Hi folks..hoping this is not terminal.

    Yesterday the PVR suddenly cut out with the 'no or bad signal' appearing. After all the usual plug unplug, I did a reinstall of channels. They were all 'found' but on saving only a few dozen music channels were actually saved, the rest were ignored.

    I've checked 4G mast interference and local mast problems. Nothing doing. It hasn't been quite itself since I've been offloading to the PC, failing to record, slow and unresponsive. But this is on another level.

    Any ideas? Software? Or has the hard disk had a meltdown?


    | Sun 8 Jun 2014 11:24:00 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Alan Smith - 6 minutes ago  » 
    Yesterday the PVR suddenly cut out with the 'no or bad signal' appearing. After all the usual plug unplug, I did a reinstall of channels. They were all 'found' but on saving only a few dozen music channels were actually saved, the rest were ignored.

    It is an unusual problem. Can you give an example of the saved channels?

    I've checked 4G mast interference and local mast problems. Nothing doing. It hasn't been quite itself since I've been offloading to the PC, failing to record, slow and unresponsive. But this is on another level.
    Software? Or has the hard disk had a meltdown?

    This specific problem won't be the hard drive as the channels are be stored in flash memory on the motherboard. Have you tried a reset to default settings?

    | Sun 8 Jun 2014 11:33:16 #2 |
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    Alan Smith

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    Yes that did it...ahem..slightly embarrassing. Well you live and learn.

    Many thanks, spot on.


    | Sun 8 Jun 2014 11:44:03 #3 |
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    Alan Smith

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    Oh to answer the question, for future ref...they were all in the 700's..Radio 1,2,3,4 and lots of indy channels. BUt all back up and running. Thanks.

    | Sun 8 Jun 2014 11:46:42 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Alan Smith - 2 hours ago  » 
    Oh to answer the question, for future ref...they were all in the 700's..Radio 1,2,3,4 and lots of indy channels. BUt all back up and running.

    So how do you know that only the radio channels were saved?

    | Sun 8 Jun 2014 13:54:54 #5 |
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    Alan Smith

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    They were the only ones listed in EPG. Putting channel 1, 2 etc into keypad was just ignored in favour of the current choice.

    | Sun 8 Jun 2014 15:28:42 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Alan Smith - 39 minutes ago  » 
    They were the only ones listed in EPG. Putting channel 1, 2 etc into keypad was just ignored in favour of the current choice.

    You might try pressing the Radio/TV button (bottom left under the flap) and see if it puts you back in the same state.

    | Sun 8 Jun 2014 16:09:13 #7 |
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    Alan Smith

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    Oh now I really do feel silly. Yes that did it. I'm going to go away now.

    | Mon 9 Jun 2014 19:21:59 #8 |

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