My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

PVR 9200T will not record on standby

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    Scheduled programmes are not recorded when the unit is in standby. They remain in the list Menu|Record|Recording Schedule past the due date/time. No problem if the unit is left on at least until the recording begins.

    I have tried the following without success:

    Powered off and on again;
    formatted the HDD;
    restored the default settings.

    Any help appreciated.

    My software version is PGXTF 1.00.23.

    | Thu 18 Oct 2012 15:04:16 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Hi welcome to the forum, normally caused by failure of the clock board. There's a number of threads around where carefull cleaning restores normal operation.


    | Thu 18 Oct 2012 15:15:05 #2 |
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    Many thanks. I cleaned the clock board as described, which seems to have fixed the clock problem completely (BTW it is not necessary to remove the hard drive to get at the board if it is not being replaced, just cleaned). Who would have thought that cleaning an area of PCB that looked perfectly clean to start with could have such a beneficial effect?

    No change in the recording problem until I manually retuned to exclude channels not from our local transmitter, as advised by Humax Support.

    All good as new now. Deeply grateful to the experts involved.

    | Fri 2 Nov 2012 9:55:11 #3 |
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    tangle - 1 day ago  » 
    No change in the recording problem until I manually retuned to exclude channels not from our local transmitter, as advised by Humax Support.
    All good as new now.

    Does it still appear as good as new? Are you tuned to all 5 multiplexies and have an epg without any holes?

    | Sat 3 Nov 2012 10:54:43 #4 |

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