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PVR-9300T Old Recordings -> Zero File Size

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    Martin Liddle

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    3guesses - 8 hours ago  » 
    After transferring all recordings to an external HDD I used Vivard (from Ultimate Boot CD) to perform a low-level format on the HDD, then I used HDD Regenerator which found (and fixed) 4 bad sectors. Afer this I ran HDAT2 (v6.0 beta) and performed the Read/Write/Read/Compare test on the drive (found 1 sector right near the end without an address marker - not entirely sure what that means - and fixed that), and finally I ran h2testw which reported no problems.

    Thanks for coming back with a detailed description of what you have done. Did you look at the SMART data and if so how many reallocated sectors were reported? It will be interesting to hear how the drive is performing in a few months time.

    | Fri 1 Jun 2018 7:54:27 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle - 52 minutes ago  » 

    3guesses - 8 hours ago  » 
    After transferring all recordings to an external HDD I used Vivard (from Ultimate Boot CD) to perform a low-level format on the HDD, then I used HDD Regenerator which found (and fixed) 4 bad sectors. Afer this I ran HDAT2 (v6.0 beta) and performed the Read/Write/Read/Compare test on the drive (found 1 sector right near the end without an address marker - not entirely sure what that means - and fixed that), and finally I ran h2testw which reported no problems.

    Thanks for coming back with a detailed description of what you have done. Did you look at the SMART data and if so how many reallocated sectors were reported? It will be interesting to hear how the drive is performing in a few months time.

    Sorry, I neglected to do that. If I get chance I might well do so, but it is quite invonvenient for me to do work on the machine!

    | Fri 1 Jun 2018 8:48:02 #12 |

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