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PVR-9300T Recording Problems

(3 posts)
  1. nigel01922


    junior member
    Joined: Jun '13
    Posts: 7


    Hi all,

    I have a 9300T which has been great until a couple of months ago, when it starting doing a few funnies when recording/playback of programmes.

    1) On 2 recordings when playing back - it has come up with the message - channel scrambled or not available, after watching so much of the program, could this be a loss of signal.

    2) On several channel5 and one picktv programmes - especially once opon a time, the box has said it was recorded, but on playback there is nothing there. Most of these have been when recording 2 channels at the same time, but not the picktv one.

    3) On several channels - BBC2, channel4, and other channels, on playback of recorded programes, the box has said it was recorded for the correct times. But when watching, it has only recorded part of the program and then the program finishes. Not great on MOTOGP, lost 1/2 an hour - single recording, but recorded the extra program which was scheduled. The Returned, got 25 minutes in and click - went off. Not happy.

    There does not seem to be any similarities as it only happens once or twice, every so often - but was doing a lot recording on Sunday night because of the Grand Prix, etc.

    I retune the channels about once a month, do not use series links as 2 many repeats and apart from these glitches it has been great.

    Tried to go on the support page on Humax Direct - but that is not working either. Have emailed them.

    Firmware is 1.00.26, July 7 2011

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    | Thu 13 Jun 2013 19:56:27 #1 |
  2. Biggles


    special member
    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 619


    Check for channels starting at channel number 800, do you have any?

    | Thu 13 Jun 2013 20:08:25 #2 |
  3. nigel01922


    junior member
    Joined: Jun '13
    Posts: 7


    No, never had any.

    | Thu 13 Jun 2013 20:11:45 #3 |

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