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PVR-9300T won't load on startup

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    My 3/4 ish year old pvr9300t has suddenly become unable to boot up on start up. It says PVR9300t on the LED screen, is whirring away like it is trying to work and occasionally runs through the software load up bar but never quite makes it. I have removed all connections, left the machine for a significant period of time and also tried starting up without connection to the aerial but all to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions or do I accept that it has to go .......

    | Fri 1 Aug 2014 14:51:44 #1 |


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    challeneged - 32 minutes ago  » 
    My 3/4 ish year old pvr9300t has suddenly become unable to boot up on start up. It says PVR9300t on the LED screen, is whirring away like it is trying to work and occasionally runs through the software load up bar but never quite makes it. I have removed all connections, left the machine for a significant period of time and also tried starting up without connection to the aerial but all to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions or do I accept that it has to go .......

    One trick to try which has worked with other Humax PVR's is to disconnect it, wait 60 secs, disconnect the HD and try to power up.

    If it boots the HD has a problem.

    | Fri 1 Aug 2014 15:27:27 #2 |
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    thanks repassac - do you mean disconnect the HD cable?

    | Fri 1 Aug 2014 15:39:01 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    challeneged - 39 minutes ago  » 
    thanks repassac - do you mean disconnect the HD cable?

    Yes remove the SATA cable from the hard drive. NB be very careful with the lid off to make sure the mains is off as it is very easy to touch the power supply and destroy it.

    | Fri 1 Aug 2014 16:19:58 #4 |
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    Ok I'd better get the husband to look at this. If it is possible to boot up having done that and we establish that there is an hd problem is it redeemable (I recall paying about £100 ish for the box)?

    | Fri 1 Aug 2014 16:31:06 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    challeneged - 31 minutes ago  » 
    If it is possible to boot up having done that and we establish that there is an hd problem is it redeemable (I recall paying about £100 ish for the box)?

    Yes (with a bit of fiddling around).

    | Fri 1 Aug 2014 17:03:20 #6 |

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