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PVR9150T - Consecutive TV and radio recording

(3 posts)
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    new member
    Joined: Aug '12
    Posts: 3


    I have tried to record a TV programme and a radio programme one after the other. It seems as if you can record either TV programmes together OR radio programmes together but not mix the two sorts. Is this correct? Is there any way for 'mixing' the two types of recording?

    Cheers Paul

    | Tue 25 Sep 2012 18:32:33 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,075


    Just tried this today, TV followed by Radio no problem, only one test though.

    | Wed 26 Sep 2012 10:10:13 #2 |
  3. aciddad


    special member
    Joined: Jun '12
    Posts: 103


    It should do what you want. Are you aware that TV and Radio recordings are listed separately? When you open the media list you should get an option to right (or left?) cursor to get audio list.
    I think this is correct, it's been a while since I used my 9150. Cheers, Dave

    | Wed 26 Sep 2012 14:52:34 #3 |

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