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PVR9150T File System Corruption?

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    Have a PVR9150T with latest firmware. Swapped hard drive for a 500GB 2 years ago and has worked fine until a month ago. Drive was full with 255 recordings taking approx 65% of the space. Now only shows 3 recordings but with 65% of drive still used.

    Suspect a file system corruption as in this FAQ. Does the suggested method on using Humaxcheck also apply to the 9150? Would like to attempt file system recovery before resorting to copying files off the drive and putting back on. Is the latest version 0.10W (March 2011)?


    | Sat 10 Nov 2012 9:47:01 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Humax_User - 23 minutes ago  » 
    Suspect a file system corruption as in this FAQ. Does the suggested method on using Humaxcheck also apply to the 9150?

    Yes I agree it is file system corruption. The FAQ is referring to a different problem and the solution is not applicable to your case. You can retrieve recordings using humaxrw in recovery mode but there may be difficulty in restoring them to the Humax.

    | Sat 10 Nov 2012 10:13:05 #2 |

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